Does Lumi Eyes Work? Here’s 3 Reasons Why It Works!

In the bustling world of aesthetic treatments, “Lumi Eyes” has been a topic of discussion among practitioners and clients alike. Known for its potential to rejuvenate and brighten the eye area, Lumi Eyes promises to tackle the telltale signs of fatigue and ageing. As aesthetic practitioners in the UK increasingly consider adding Lumi Eyes to their service roster, the critical question remains: Does Lumi Eyes work? Here, we explore three pieces of tested evidence to determine the effects of this innovative treatment.

1. Clinical Studies on Efficacy

One of the most compelling types of evidence comes from clinical trials and studies conducted by independent researchers and product developers. These studies often measure the effectiveness of Lumi Eyes in reducing under-eye darkness, puffiness, and fine lines. For instance, a notable clinical trial involving 50 participants who received Lumi Eyes treatment showed a significant reduction in dark circles and eye bags after just four sessions. The study highlighted that over 80% of participants observed a noticeable brightening of the eye area, with improvements continuing to appear weeks after the treatments.

The science behind Lumi Eyes involves using a specialized formula that promotes lymphatic drainage and strengthens the capillary walls under the eyes, effectively reducing the appearance of dark circles and puffiness. This data is crucial for practitioners who rely on proven methods to ensure the treatments they offer are both safe and effective, aligning with clients’ expectations and needs.

2. Real-world results and Client Feedback

Beyond clinical trials, real-world application and client feedback provide insightful evidence about the effectiveness of Lumi Eyes. Many aesthetic clinics across the UK have documented before-and-after results of their clients who have undergone Lumi Eyes treatments. These visual portfolios not only showcase the potential changes but also help in gauging client satisfaction.

Feedback from clients who have experienced Lumi Eyes treatments often mentions improvements not just in the appearance of their eyes but also in how revitalized they feel overall. Aesthetic practitioners can leverage this feedback by offering detailed client testimonials and case studies, which help in building trust with potential clients who are researching whether Lumi Eyes is right for them.

3. Comparative Studies with Other Eye Treatments

To further validate the effectiveness of Lumi Eyes, some studies compare its results with those of other popular eye treatments, such as chemical peels, laser therapy, or traditional fillers. These comparative studies are particularly valuable for practitioners because they highlight Lumi Eyes’ strengths and potential advantages over other methods.

For example, studies that compare the recovery time and side effects of Lumi Eyes with more invasive procedures often find that Lumi Eyes offers a safer profile with minimal to no downtime. This is a crucial factor for clients who prefer non-invasive treatments with less risk and a recovery period. The ability of Lumi Eyes to deliver comparable or superior results, especially in the reduction of dark circles and puffiness, without the discomfort and recovery time associated with surgeries, makes it an attractive option for both clients and clinics.

The Verdict on Lumi Eyes

Does Lumi Eyes work? The evidence suggests a resounding yes. With clinical studies demonstrating its efficacy, positive client feedback, and favourable comparisons with other treatments, Lumi Eyes stands out as a reliable option for those looking to enhance the appearance of their eyes safely and effectively. Aesthetic practitioners in the UK considering integrating Lumi Eyes into their practices will find that its benefits are supported by substantial evidence, making it a worthwhile addition to their treatment offerings.

By staying informed and providing clients with evidence-based treatments, practitioners can ensure their services remain at the cutting edge of aesthetic technology. Lumi Eyes, with its proven effectiveness and growing popularity, is poised to become a staple in the realm of aesthetic eye treatments.

Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving: 5 Reasons Why It’s Popular!

The aesthetic industry in the UK has been buzzing about the latest trend in non-surgical fat reduction: lemon bottle treatments. This innovative method has garnered attention among practitioners for its simplicity, effectiveness, and growing demand among clients seeking non-invasive options for fat loss.

Five reasons why Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving treatments have become so popular:

  1. Non-Invasive and Minimal Discomfort
    One of the main appeals of lemon bottle treatments is their non-invasive nature. Unlike traditional liposuction, lemon bottle treatments do not require incisions or anaesthesia, which means the patient has minimal discomfort. This aspect is highly attractive to those who are apprehensive about more invasive procedures. Aesthetic practitioners find this method advantageous as it allows them to cater to a broader audience looking for less invasive alternatives.
  2. Quick and Convenient Sessions
    Lemon bottle treatments can typically be completed in just a few minutes. This convenience allows clients to fit their sessions into busy schedules without significant downtime. For practitioners, the ability to offer a treatment that doesn’t require lengthy sessions means more efficient scheduling and the potential to see more clients throughout the day.
  3. Immediate and Long-Term Results
    Patients often observe noticeable results shortly after their first few treatments, with further improvements appearing gradually as the body metabolises the fat. This dual-phase result is particularly appealing as it provides immediate satisfaction and continued improvement, encouraging clients to return for follow-up sessions. From a practitioner’s point of view, the promise of visible results helps in building a trustworthy relationship with clients and encourages word-of-mouth referrals.
  4. Highly Targeted Treatment
    Lemon bottle fat dissolving treatments are designed to target specific areas of the body where fat deposits can be stubborn, such as the chin, arms, abdomen, and thighs. This precision allows practitioners to offer personalised treatments based on individual client needs and goals, enhancing the overall client experience and satisfaction.
  5. Cost-Effective
    Compared to other fat reduction technologies and surgeries, lemon bottle treatments are relatively cost-effective, making them accessible to a wider range of clients. This affordability also allows aesthetic practices to attract a broader demographic, increasing their market reach and potential revenue.

Why Is Lemon Bottle Popular in the Aesthetic Industry?

The popularity of lemon bottle fat dissolving treatments among aesthetic practitioners is driven by the treatment’s ability to align with current trends towards safer, faster, and more effective cosmetic procedures. Moreover, the UK market strongly prefers innovative, client-friendly solutions that align with a lifestyle-oriented approach to beauty and wellness.

Lemon bottle treatments not only offer a solution that meets these criteria but also provides a substantial return on investment for practices due to the high demand and repeat client potential. The ease of integrating lemon bottle treatments into existing services without the need for extensive additional training or investment in expensive equipment makes it an attractive option for many clinics and practitioners.

In conclusion, lemon bottle fat dissolving treatments represent a modern approach to body contouring that meets the needs of both clients and practitioners. Its growing popularity is a testament to its effectiveness, safety, and adaptability in the fast-evolving aesthetic industry. As more professionals continue to adopt this treatment, its position in the market looks set to strengthen, making it a key offering for any aesthetic practice aiming to stay at the forefront of client satisfaction and innovative care.

5 Shocking Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Aesthetic Insurance!

Selecting the right aesthetic insurance is a crucial step for any aesthetic professional in the beauty and aesthetic industry, whether you’re a medically trained aesthetician or not. With various policies available on the market, it’s easy to fall into traps that might leave you underinsured or overpaying. This guide will help you navigate the complex world of aesthetic insurance for medics and non-medics alike, ensuring you make informed decisions and avoid common pitfalls.

1. Not Assessing Specific Coverage Needs

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when choosing aesthetic insurance is failing to assess your specific coverage needs. Whether you provide botox injections, chemical peels, or non-surgical treatments, each service comes with its own set of risks. Aesthetic insurance for non-medics often differs significantly from aesthetic insurance for medics in terms of the liabilities covered.

Tip: Conduct a thorough risk assessment of your services and consult with an insurance broker who specialises in aesthetic insurance. They can help tailor a policy that covers all your bases, from malpractice to property damage and beyond.

2. Opting for the Cheapest Aesthetic Insurance

While budgeting is important, opting for the cheapest aesthetic insurance can cost you more in the long run. Cheaper policies may not offer comprehensive coverage, leaving significant gaps that could expose you to financial risk if a claim is made against you.

Tip: Don’t just look at the price. Examine what each policy covers and what it excludes. Paying a little more upfront can save you from hefty out-of-pocket costs for uncovered claims.

3. Overlooking the Insurer’s Reputation and Customer Service

Choosing an insurer with a solid reputation and excellent customer service is vital. Your aesthetic insurance provider should be known for handling claims fairly and efficiently.

Tip: Research potential insurers’ reviews and ratings, especially regarding how they handle claims. An insurer that supports its clients during claims is invaluable. Check out forums and social media groups where your peers discuss their insurance experiences.

4. Ignoring Tailored Policies for Your Specific Practices

Generic business insurance policies might not offer the specialised coverage that aesthetic practitioners require. This is particularly true when dealing with aesthetic insurance for non-medics, as these policies need to cover a different array of treatments compared to those for medics.

Tip: Ensure that your insurer offers policies that are specifically designed for aesthetic practices. Whether you’re looking for aesthetic insurance for medics or non-medics, specialised policies will better cater to your specific needs, covering the latest treatments and technologies in your field.

5. Neglecting to Update Insurance Coverage

As your business grows and evolves, so should your insurance. Many professionals make the mistake of setting up their aesthetic insurance once and forgetting about it. However, as you expand your services or invest in new technology, your insurance needs may change.

Tip: Review and update your insurance policy annually or whenever you make significant changes to your business model or service offering. This ensures that your coverage remains adequate and relevant, protecting you against newly developed risks.


Choosing the right aesthetic insurance is more than just a formality; it’s a crucial aspect of safeguarding your business and your reputation. Avoid these common mistakes to ensure that you select a policy that offers complete protection tailored to your specific needs. Remember, adequate coverage is not just a regulatory requirement—it’s also a major contributor to your business’s longevity and success in the competitive aesthetic industry.

This blog is crafted to help both aesthetic insurance for medics and non-medics navigate their insurance choices wisely, aligning with your unique professional needs and helping you continue to provide safe, high-quality care without undue risk. Get a list of trustworthy aesthetic insurance companies through Faces today.

Tycoon’s Daughter Outrageous Fiasco: Why Consent Forms Are Important!

Have you heard the latest news? We certainly did.

It’s about an aesthetic nurse practitioner who got her licence revoked and her business closed due to a botched treatment and a lack of consent form.

Yes, a botched treatment will certainly earn you and your business flak; however, treating a client without a patient consent form is another world of hurt. Faces is loud and proud of our commitment to safety and standards, and news like this makes us think that it’s that time again to remind aesthetic professionals that a safe and quality treatment should always comprise of these 3 things to ensure that from start to finish, you’re delivering a safe treatment to your clients.

A complete consent form

If you’re new to aesthetics, a consent form or an informed consent is a crucial document that allows a practitioner to highlight all information about a medical procedure (in this case, an aesthetic treatment). It consists of information related to the possible risks and benefits of a treatment. If your client decides to have an aesthetic treatment, he/she needs to sign the form to give you official consent

Concerning why consent forms are important, an incomplete consent form is a gigantic risk for you and your business. Besides the fact that your insurance won’t back you up, you’re opening yourself to a medical malpractice claim. Informed consent is a legal and ethical obligation that needs to be given for every treatment, for clients to receive timely information about the aesthetic treatments they’re having. In addition, aesthetic professionals carrying out any procedures or treatments without a patient consent form can be a basis for assault, potentially opening themselves to criminal penalties under UK law.

It’s easy to brush off an incomplete consent form, but when you’ve realised the risk you’re opening yourself into, the actualisation of reality comes kicking in.

We know that filling out a consent form every time a client comes in would take time, but you can always use Faces for your consent forms. You can even take the load from your client by automating the consent form sent through Faces. We’ll simplify things for you; just WhatsApp us, and we’ll help you!

Keep in mind that keeping legal troubles away is one of the reasons why consent forms are important.

A great aftercare service

A great practitioner takes care of his/her clients, you can spot an excellent practitioner from a mile away by looking through his/her aftercare service delivery.

Aftercare is a continuation of your treatment of your clients. Aftercare plays a vital role in ensuring the best possible results for an aesthetic treatment while guaranteeing the health and safety of each client. Delivering an aftercare service can be done through an aftercare document, both aftercare documents and patient consent forms can be accessed and sent through Faces.

The risk for aesthetic treatments is minimal, but it’s always there, and aftercare is the process that keeps the risk to a minimum and possibly makes it zero. Failure to administer the proper aftercare would result in treatments being botched up, life-threatening risks, and possibly even death

An aesthetic treatment should be a situation where your clients enjoy its benefits, not being scared of its risks to their health. An aftercare document combined with a consent form from Faces could 100% elevate the results of their treatment and what they think of you as an aesthetic practitioner.

Communication, communication, and communication!

You already know why consent forms are important and why aftercare should be the norm, now let’s talk about communication.

98% of the population uses English as their medium of communication, but we understand that some practitioners don’t communicate well in English. A language barrier may hinder a connection between you and your client; worst case scenario, your client would be misinterpreting what you’ll say and turn it against you!

Communication is a two-way street, but you need to ensure that what comes on your side is factual and clear. Invest time in building the vocabulary being used in the business, finding the common words being used when doing aesthetic treatments, and finding their meaning. Being specific, asking for clarifications from time to time, and avoiding idioms that will confuse your clients even further would help you convey your thoughts clearly and easily for your clients to digest. Having the patience to communicate and build your understanding of the language would certainly benefit how you approach and communicate with your client.

Our message to you

The world doesn’t need another incompetent aesthetic practitioner. Faces and other channels of information will always give you the reminder you need to perform safe aesthetic treatments. It’s up to you how will you use this information to make sure you’re doing the right thing.

If you want to make your process easier, use Faces. If you want to know more about our industry, follow Faces. If you need any help, ask Faces. We’re always here for you.

Faces Buy Now Pay Later: Explore the Top Trends Behind

Faces Buy Now Pay Later: Exploring the data behind the rise of Buy Now Pay Later Schemes.

Faces Buy Now Pay Later was introduced in 2022. Since then, thousands of practitioners have registered and used our Buy Now Pay Later feature. Fast forward to our current timeline, Faces Buy Now Pay Later is comparable to leading finance lenders for beauty and aesthetic businesses!

In our recent blogs about finance, we’ve highlighted several advantages and benefits of Faces BNPL such as an increase in clinic bookings and higher client retention rates. We understand that some practitioners may still be sceptical about these advantages, and we would like to show you the raw data on our end.

In this blog, let us show you the cold data about finance in the beauty and aesthetics industry, along with the native data we have on Faces. We’ll connect the dots on each piece of data and come up with the best judgement for your business. Let’s go ahead and start!

Faces Buy Now Pay Later and Bookings

– Across all UK businesses with BNPL integration, 69% have reported an increase in sales and performance metrics.

– Since 2020, the Buy Now Pay Later industry has seen humongous user growth, with a record total of £30bn expected this year.

– In 2023, the health & beauty industry led the market in consumer spending.

– Aesthetic clinics offering seamless experience in bookings can enjoy up to 69% in bookings compared to traditional paper-based clinics. This means aesthetic clinics offering an all-in-one solution for payments, bookings, and finance have the advantage.

– According to PayL8r, BNPL options capture a larger segment of customers, and businesses can see up to a 30% increase in orders.

– Examining our database, practitioners registered on BNPL through Faces have seen a 28% increase in bookings for their most expensive treatments. We also spotted that clients who realised they could use Buy Now Pay Later are more likely to get more treatments.

– Online purchases (including appointments booked online) are rapidly growing due to BNPL, with Gen Z and millennials leading the purchase growth.

– With Faces BNPL, introducing BNPL to your aesthetic business can attract younger clients (19-29 years old).

– Financial and analytical forecasts believe that up to 78% of businesses will adapt to BNPL due to customer’s increasing reliance on BNPL payments.

Summarising all data from both Faces and other reputable sites, there is a positive connection between offering Faces Buy Now Pay Later and the number of bookings. Though this would generate more profits for you, it is crucial to understand the proper strategy for implementing BNPL.

Read more tips here.

Reasons why Buy Now Pay Later is popular

As we’ve seen tremendous growth in BNPL transactions in the UK, as of 2024, more than half of UK adults have used Buy Now Pay Later for purchases. In this section, we will indicate several reasons why BNPL is popular in the retail and aesthetic industries.

– In early 2020, data shows the main reason why clients use BNPL is because of its convenience.

– BNPL is also popular because consumers use BNPL services to avoid high credit card fees and interest.

– A study done on 533 BNPL users suggests that utilising this feature has made high-cost treatments attainable and more manageable for repayments.

– Another related study by the Consumer Council found that one key reason consumers use BNPL is due to the recent increase in the cost of living. Further examination of the research shows that the impacts of BNPL have mostly been positive.


In this digital age, BNPL is a pivotal feature that encourages clients to book a treatment. While lingering sentiments make aesthetic professionals hesitant to use this feature, with the correct mindset, the right knowledge, and a reliable partner like Faces, you can eliminate your worries and continue on the road to financial and business success.

If you want to start registering on Faces Buy Now Pay Later, click here or talk with our Finance Manager!

Buy Now Pay Later For Business: Is it the Right Choice For Aesthetic Clinics?

Buy Now Pay Later For Business. Is it the Right Choice For Aesthetic Clinics?

Practitioner using mask on a client's face.

Buy Now Pay Later for business or BNPL for short, is a game-changer for the aesthetic industry. With reports of significant improvements in sales, it is an attractive method of gaining new clients and increasing bookings for your most expensive treatments. Though there are still those who resist implementing BNPL schemes, with the ever-growing competition in the aesthetics industry, having Buy Now Pay Later for business may be the greatest asset you will have to stand above the rest. 

In this blog, we will tell you why Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) is the right choice for your aesthetics business!

1. The convenience it offers

There’s a clear reason why BNPL is popular with 26.4 million people. Their popularity is due to how BNPL conveniently offers financial flexibility to interested and worthy customers. Whether it’s for something small or an expensive treatment, BNPL is a popular payment method because of its ability to spread costs, interest-free payments*, and ability to pay for high-cost purchases that clients couldn’t afford in one go! In addition, young borrowers have decided to opt-in to the Buy Now, Pay Later option to avoid high credit card interest!

Through Faces, we’re enabling you to offer convenience to your clients! With no upfront or setup fees, register with Faces Buy Now, Pay Later, for free!

2. Clients keep coming back for more

Retaining clients and increasing your client base have become much easier with Buy Now Pay Later for business! Combining the best customer experience, bespoke treatment, and flexible options, you’ll be able to turn your one-off clients into lifelong patrons. Don’t believe us? Hear it from Harvard themselves! Through BNPL, clinics and solo practitioners alike would be able to foster trust and appreciation by looking like businesses that care about and appreciate their clients.

With BNPL at hand, you can also strategically use other features on Faces like SMS reminders, group emails, and discount codes to increase client retention and loyalty rates.

3. Stand among giants

Competition is fiercer than ever, and the greatest weapon you have (or don’t have) is Buy Now Pay Later for business. Clinics or aesthetic professionals stand above their competition by exuding great customer care and experience; one way of effectively displaying these treatments is by offering BNPL at the time of their needs. Through BNPL, your clients will have the best and most unforgettable experience. Stand among giants, or take the extra mile by standing above your competition!

4. A win-win situation

If it’s not evident enough, BNPL is a solution that benefits you and your clients. Clinics and practitioners observe higher booking rates, an increase in clientele, and better customer loyalty rates on their aesthetic business! Meanwhile, your clients get to enjoy their treatments while spreading the cost. With Buy Now, Pay Later, you’re not just offering a payment option for your client; you’re also building a pathway to beauty that onlookers and clients can easily walk down.

5. Secure more bookings

Let’s end this list with an irrefutable fact. BNPL has provided a way to secure more sales for businesses. In fact, 69% of UK businesses have reported increased sales and performance metrics. Finance lenders like our partner, PayL8r, have been revolutionising the way clients pay for their treatments, and positive results have been gained since then. Buy Now Pay Later for business has truly helped thousands of aesthetic practitioners and clinics in the UK.

The bottom line: Buy Now Pay Later for Business

To summarise what we have discussed, Buy Now Pay Later for business is more than just a payment option. Through BNPL, clients can grasp confidence and beauty, while aesthetic professionals use it as a tool for customer satisfaction, growth, and success. Demonising BNPL can be detrimental in pursuing long-term goals and success for your aesthetic business, though we won’t hide the fact that finance without the proper knowledge could lead to unethical financing. Equipping ourselves with the right mindset and informing our clients properly can turn these harmful effects into a solution that enables both parties to benefit from it.

Unregulated Buy Now Pay Later Is Not What You Think It Is, And Here’s Why!

Unregulated Buy Now Pay Later Is Not What You Think It Is, And Here’s Why!

Finance, or Buy Now Pay Later, is a heavily discussed idea in the aesthetics industry. With thousands of solo practitioners or clinics offering it, or some being critical about their reasons why they won’t use it, the fact remains about how finance increases bookings and profits for aesthetic professionals.

However, as the number of interest-free finance lenders is increasing due to huge opportunities in our industry, practitioners might be allured to work with these lenders without knowing that they’re unregulated. The term unregulated finance can be frightening for most people, especially with 39% of the population admitting that they’re unsure. But unregulated finance doesn’t necessarily mean it’s illegal or unsafe. In this blog, we will inform you about the dangers of unregulated finance and how Faces can support your business through regulated financing.

Understanding Regulated and Unregulated Finance

To keep it short and simple, the biggest difference between regulated and unregulated finance is the amount of time set for repayments. If the loan is repayable over 12 months or more, it is regulated finance. If the loan needs to be repaid within 12 months with interest-free options, we’re dealing with unregulated finance.

Another key difference between the two is that regulated finance needs to be authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), while unregulated buy now pay later isn’t regulated by FCA; hence the term ‘unregulated’.

Finance lender PayL8r is a unique lending provider as it offers split payments within 12 months while being regulated by the FCA.

This means unregulated buy now pay later is good, right?

Well, not necessarily. The word unregulated is there for a reason; this means that most BNPL lenders is not regulated by the FCA. This entails that consumers using unregulated finance will forfeit certain protections. Escalating complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) is one of the rights you would forfeit, as this is out of their scope. This means that when you’re unhappy with your service or product and make a complaint, this would be between you and the finance lender, and the scales may not be in your favour.

The blow to credit score

Most unregulated finance lenders will conduct hard credit checks. These hard credit checks will appear on your credit record and can negatively affect your credit score for up to 12 months. Hard credit checks are also viewed by other lenders as a ‘signal’ that applicants are a risky prospect for financing.

As a regulated finance lender, PayL8r does not apply hard credit checks to applications. Our finance partner on Faces only conducts soft credit checks to determine the customer’s suitability. 

How do I choose the right buy now pay later lenders?

Offer/Acceptance rate

The offer rate is the proportion of favourable responses out of all the applications for a buy now pay later application. For example, if the finance lender offers BNPL to 70 out of 100 applicants, the offer rate would be around 70%. Understanding and examining the offer rates at BNPL would result in a higher frequency of approved clients for your treatments. 

Tech performance

Potential clients can book and schedule a treatment 24/7 on Faces Marketplace. Therefore, having a 24/7 finance lending system is pivotal to attracting more clients. Through Faces’ partner, clients can book, apply for buy now pay later, and get an instant decision, whatever time it is!

Seamless integration

This point refers to how simple and quick you can offer buy now pay later on a customer journey. Usually, offering split payments is placed in the checkout section to inform and attract clients to seal the deal. This feature is hard to come by or can only be accessed through subscription-based platforms. Clinics and practitioners using Faces enjoy free, seamless integration and automated finance marketing for their clients. Interested? Sign up on Faces by clicking here.

Wrapping it up

Whether you’re a solo aesthetic practitioner or an aesthetic clinic owner, safeguarding your client’s financial health should be on your best interests as well. Though having a better stream of income with finance is good, informing clients to make rational-based decisions and understand the pros and cons of buy now pay later would establish better client relationships.
If you want your clinic to partner with a leading regulated finance lender, sign up by clicking here!

Making Buy Now Pay Later Ethical: Solving Client Impulsive Buying

Making Buy Now Pay Later Ethical: Solving Client Impulsive Buying.

Buy Now Pay Later promotes spending; we won’t sugarcoat that. As more flexible options become accessible to the market, it’s forecasted that we will see a whopping 15% growth in BNPL transactions this year. Though positive effects of providing BNPL schemes and finance options include revolutionising customer purchases, financial flexibility, and increased client bookings, this feature could trigger impulsive buying and irrational decisions. With a sound argument from both sides, a necessary question has to be posed: is Buy Now Pay Later ethical?

Yes, but Buy Now Pay Later can be a double-edged sword

Finance is ethical. Through strict implementation, informative advertisements, and smart financial planning, clients would have a healthy balance of debt and cash flow, but this comes from an idealistic point of view. Truth be told, with immediate gratification and ease of access to BNPL, clients can impulsively spend without thinking about the risk. But, besides enforcing strict aftercare procedures, aesthetic professionals should also be responsible for enforcing positive habits in their clients!

Related Link: “Payment plans are bad, but is cash payment worse?”

In this blog, we’ll talk about the 5 simple actions that you can implement right away. Don’t worry, this isn’t hard, and you might find yourself doing this unconsciously to your clients already.

1. Ask them about their budget, but remember to be friendly!

There’s nothing wrong with being a little direct with your clients, especially when you’re trying to help. By clearly stating your question and the intent behind it, you will promote trust and credibility. In addition, it’s easy enough to convince clients to take BNPL for their aesthetic treatments; however, if the decision isn’t rational, customers may tend to feel a phenomenon called buyer’s remorse. On the other hand, businesses that put time and effort in ensuring the customer feels valued tend to reap significant rewards through customer loyalty. Statistics show that loyal customers could spend more than the average per purchase, ranging from 25% to 95%!

2. Offer clients time

We know that offering time-limited options is the best way to hook clients. But if your client remains unsure of their budget, the best option to give is time. In fact, customers will likely stick to their initial decision when forced to make an immediate decision, but oddly enough, customers who have been given enough time will shift the odds in your favour when they make a final decision.

However, you shouldn’t give clients too much time since they might forget your transaction. In our opinion, giving them a 3-5 day window to internalise their thoughts with constant and gentle follow-ups usually does the trick!

Related Link: “How to Personalise Client Reminders for Better Client Engagement

3. Upsell, not hard sell.

In alignment with the law, practitioners must not advertise Buy Now Pay Later for their treatments when utilising finance through Faces. In alignment with the previous statement, Faces wholeheartedly stands by it, as most practitioners try hard-selling for finance. Hard-selling is a sales strategy that is designed to be direct and pushy, and it can plummet your customer retention and loyalty rates. Instead of hard-selling Buy Now Pay Later, simply sell the idea that other payment options are available for your client to use (upsell).

Related Links:

Register on Faces Finance through this link!

Faces Finance FAQ

4. Slow. Things. Down.

We know how practitioners can be excited when booking a client in for a treatment. However, it’s also essential to take things down a notch in order to dot the i’s and cross the t’s. Quick decisions can amount to impulsive buying. As reliable practitioners for your clients, it’s essential to slow them down if they seem overly excited about using finance for their treatments. By slowing them down and asking the right questions, you’ll avoid irrelevant headaches in the future.

5. Be the source of useful information

Last but definitely not least, be a source of useful information for clients. In alignment with the previous numbers, aesthetic practitioners offering finance should also be updated on the regulations and different processes for their third-party lenders. Through Faces, you can get the newest piece of information on our blog section and social media pages


With the rapid increase of BNPL schemes, customers feel more empowered to spend than ever. Practitioners shouldn’t overly take advantage of their vulnerability but rather act in the best interest of their clients. Through Faces, we can help you offer ethical financing through our finance lending partner. Schedule a call today with our specialist, or apply directly for finance by clicking here.

Why 90% of Aesthetic Businesses Fail in The First Year

Why 90% of Aesthetic Businesses Fail in The First Year. The answer may be a shock to you

Aesthetic Businesses in the UK

The aesthetic industry has seen a huge leap in demand and market size. Recent reports suggest that 7.7 million people had an aesthetic treatment in the UK in the past 12 months. This shows that aesthetic businesses, whether going solo or establishing a clinic, could generate higher potential income in the years to come.

As the market and demand increase, practitioners training for aesthetic treatments has also risen. As far as we know, at least 940 aesthetic clinics are registered in the UK, though these numbers don’t reflect solo aesthetic professionals or a representation of the number of practitioners doing treatments in an aesthetic clinic.

With the overflowing market, it is still a wonder why 90% of aesthetic businesses fail in their first year. In this blog, we will examine the key reasons why many aesthetic businesses fail and how to avoid their mistakes. Make sure to follow closely!

1. Lack or Unclear Aesthetic Business Strategy

The fatal flaw of most aesthetic businesses is the lack of an unclear business strategy. We know that you’d like to make money off of aesthetic treatments, but without a clear and well-written business strategy, you’re preparing yourself to fail. Successful aesthetic clinics or solo aesthetic practitioners have a clear goal for their target market, a financial goal, and growth strategies to promote their business. Without a proper business strategy, serious problems like unreasonable decisions, unorganised allocation of resources, and ultimately, business failure can arise.

How do you avoid it?

Prepare a well-thought-out and organised business plan. I know it’s simple to say and hard to do, but a business plan shapes your approach towards your business goals. Before preparing a business plan or strategy, try extensive research on the market first. Check what the ideal client is that you’ll mostly cater to, their wants and needs, and the things they’ll like. This will give you an advantage over most startup aesthetic businesses, as you’ll be able to pinpoint their needs without them telling you.

Download a free business plan for your aesthetic business by clicking here.

2. Financial Management

You’re not doing business if you’re not earning enough. Financial mismanagement is a plague that most aesthetic businesses suffer from. Many aesthetic businesses may find themselves spending on luxurious equipment, designs, and other non-essential items for their business. Without a strong grip on financial matters, aesthetic professionals may find themselves spending more than what they are earning. Worst scenario, you won’t be able to cover your operational costs, which may lead to your business closing.

How do you avoid financial mismanagement?

Having a clear business strategy or plan will help you with financial management. Understanding your day-to-day costs, financial position, and becoming more efficient in controlling overhead costs will help you tone down your spending and understand your major expenditures. Another method to help you manage your finances is to ensure your customers pay on time. With Faces, get deposits easily when clients book at your clinic. Faces will help you decrease your no-shows and client cancellations with our robust deposit feature!

3. Ineffective Marketing and Customer Acquisition

What’s a business without its customers? Aesthetic businesses without an effective marketing strategy and good customer interaction will ultimately fail. As our profit is reliant on customers, clinics and aesthetic practitioners fail due to a zero marketing strategy. Inadequate online presence, community engagement, and community building would deter any potential customers from messaging your business.

How do I successfully market my aesthetic business?

Use Faces! Faces has a free marketing tool built into our app that helps your business build online credibility. We offer a clinic marketplace for visibility, a free website builder to lay the foundations of your online presence, and a marketing manager you can hire for as little as £3 a day! Besides Faces powerful features, you can also take advantage by understanding how your competition markets themselves; try to peek at their Instagram account and take some notes!


Failing to prepare means you’re preparing yourself to fail. Dreaming about a successful aesthetic business is easy, but building one takes time, effort, and willpower. We know it’s not easy, but Faces is here to ensure you’re on the right path to success. Internalise what you’ve read and download Faces to get these powerful features for free. Download today!

Is A Set Business Schedule Costing You Clients? The Answer Will Surprise You

business schedule on the background with text Is Your Schedule Costing You Clients?

Dictating your business schedule is a fabled dream most aesthetic practitioners dream of. Having the freedom to set your own time of business where customers can get their treatments done without having to ‘drag’ yourself into doing the treatments can actually motivate you to work more and can decrease your business costs. Though with great freedom come certain negative effects, such as unhappy customers and loss of business, it is critical to further examine whether business hours should be anchored to your personal hours or your client’s hours.

Industry standards tell us to follow a 9:00 am to 5:00 pm business schedule to ensure optimal business hours. Though you might raise an eyebrow at this statement, as most aesthetic practitioners or clinics have experienced clients demanding hours earlier or later than these ‘optimal’ hours of operation, you may have even experienced people wanting to book in for a late-night treatment!

As confusing as it can be, solo practitioners and clinic owners should make an informed choice about their business hours. In this blog, we’ll provide you with the answer you’re looking for, the steps to take, and how Faces can help you move into action.

Can your business schedule cost you clients?


100%. It’s a sure answer to a complicated dilemma, and there are several reasons why your business schedule directly affects your ability to gain more clients.

Clients dictate their preferred hours

“Do you have space this afternoon?” “Can I come by around 9?” and “I prefer after working hours” are the common phrases you must have encountered already. Clients prefer to work with businesses that accommodate their preferred time, and as a service-based business, you are inclined to accept their demands because this is how you earn. 

Client mentality

Most clients look at their appointment with you as something to fit in rather than something to plot on their calendars. As absurd as it can be, research shows that being available 24/7 for your clients can positively impact your business!

The nature of aesthetic businesses

Providing aesthetic treatments falls under the service-based category. And as it’s in our nature to give a service, most clients assume that their wants stand above your needs as a practitioner. Practitioners canceling or rescheduling appointments based on good reasoning can still sound like an excuse to most clients; even your most loyal clients would think of looking for alternatives if they needed to get their lips done.

Should you start being flexible with your hours?

Based on the data, you shouldn’t.

Being flexible with your client’s schedule would affect how they value your time. This would also affect the efficiency of your business in terms of ordering products, accepting new bookings, and finding availability throughout the week. Long working hours can induce burnout, and unstable work hours can interfere with your personal and social health.

The right decision

Give the best treatment and dictate your hours.

Notice how some people wait for months or years just to eat at The Fat Duck? It’s not about how long they’ve waited; it’s about the experience they will feel. Translate it to your aesthetics business: dish out the perfect treatment, customer service, and aftercare support that makes your customers want more. It’s not rocket science; it’s just dedication and hard work for your business.

How can Faces support your decision?

Faces believes in empowering aesthetic professionals. Whether you’re amending your business schedule or staying true to your set hours, Faces can help. Set up your business on our marketplace to take advantage of free marketing. You can automate your admin work with our robust booking system that allows you to populate your calendar, manage your forms, and take payments online. It’s a free app, perfect for practitioners like you.


Your business schedule will cost you clients, but if you prove that your treatments are worth their weight in gold, clients will race for your latest availability. Quality treatments combined with a perfect booking system will save you time while generating profits.
Take advantage of Faces today. Sign up for free here.

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