We’ve all heard the saying “Beauty is pain,” but how do you know when the discomfort you’re experiencing after an aesthetic treatment is normal or a cause for concern? In this eye-opening article, we’ll break down the common sensations you may feel post-treatment and reveal the red flags that signal it’s time to consult your aesthetic practitioner. Keep reading to ensure a smooth and successful recovery!

Mild Pain and Swelling: Expected Guests at the Post-Treatment Party

Experiencing mild pain, tenderness, and swelling following an aesthetic procedure is completely normal. These symptoms are your body’s natural response to the treatment and should subside within a few days. To alleviate discomfort, apply ice packs, elevate the treated area, and take over-the-counter pain relievers as recommended by your practitioner.

Bruising: A Common Yet Unwelcome Visitor

Bruising is a common side effect of injectable treatments and other minimally invasive procedures. While it may be unsightly, bruising is typically harmless and will fade within one to two weeks. To minimise bruising, avoid blood-thinning medications before your treatment and apply cold compresses afterwards.

Itching: An Annoying But Generally Harmless Intruder

Mild itching can occur as your skin heals from aesthetic treatments, particularly after chemical peels or laser procedures. Resist the urge to scratch, as this can lead to scarring or infection. If itching becomes unbearable, consult your practitioner for recommendations on soothing creams or ointments.

Red Flags: When to Call Your Aesthetic Practitioner

While some discomfort is to be expected after an aesthetic treatment, there are instances when pain or other symptoms may indicate a problem. Watch out for these red flags and contact your practitioner immediately if you experience any of the following:

Intense Pain: An Unexpected and Unwelcome Surprise

While mild pain is typical, severe or persistent pain that worsens over time may be a sign of complications. This level of discomfort is not normal and should be addressed by your aesthetic practitioner as soon as possible.

Excessive Swelling: When Too Much is Too Much

Moderate swelling is a common post-treatment symptom, but excessive or uneven swelling that doesn’t improve after a few days could indicate an issue. Reach out to your practitioner if you notice any unusual or prolonged swelling.

Signs of Infection: The Uninvited Danger

Infections are rare but can occur after aesthetic treatments. Watch for symptoms such as increased pain, warmth or redness at the treatment site, pus or discharge, fever, or chills. If you suspect an infection, contact your practitioner immediately for evaluation and treatment.

Difficulty Breathing or Swallowing: A Serious Threat

These symptoms are rare but can occur after certain injectable treatments, particularly if the filler is inadvertently injected into a blood vessel. Difficulty breathing or swallowing is a medical emergency and requires immediate attention. Call your practitioner or seek emergency care right away.

Prolonged Numbness: The Unnerving Sensation That Overstays Its Welcome

Temporary numbness may occur after some aesthetic procedures, but it should subside within a few hours. If numbness persists beyond this timeframe, contact your practitioner to rule out any potential complications.


Understanding the difference between normal discomfort and red flags after an aesthetic treatment is crucial for a successful recovery. While mild pain, swelling, and bruising are typically expected, don’t hesitate to reach out to your aesthetic practitioner if you experience severe or unusual symptoms. By staying vigilant and communicating with your practitioner, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying the beautiful results of your treatment!

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