Monsplasty Aftercare Form

Monsplasty is a surgical procedure designed to address excess skin and tissue in the mons pubis area. Whether undertaken for aesthetic improvement or functional comfort, diligent post-operative care is critical to achieving the best outcomes, ensuring swift recovery, and preventing potential complications.

Immediate Aftercare (First Week):
After the procedure, patients might experience swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort in the treated area. It's essential to wear any compression garment provided by your surgeon to reduce swelling and support the healing tissues. Over-the-counter pain relief can be taken as directed, or any prescribed medications should be used as instructed. Ensure to keep the surgical site clean and dry, and follow any guidelines regarding wound care and showering. It's advisable to avoid strenuous activities, sexual activities, and heavy lifting for the initial few weeks post-procedure. Also, sleep on your back to avoid putting pressure on the surgical site.

Continued Care & Monitoring:
Swelling may persist for several weeks, but should gradually subside. Continue wearing the compression garment as recommended by your surgeon. As the surgical site heals, refrain from using any products that could irritate the area. Schedule and attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor the healing process. Any unusual symptoms such as increased pain, prolonged swelling, discharge from the incision, fever, or signs of infection should be reported to your healthcare provider immediately.

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