Cleft Lip And Palate Repair Aftercare Form

Cleft lip and palate repair surgeries correct congenital facial deformities, improving both function and appearance. Ensuring diligent aftercare can aid in healing, reduce the risk of complications, and support the best possible outcomes.

Immediate Aftercare (First Week):

  1. Feeding: Depending on the surgery specifics, a special feeding device or technique may be recommended. It's essential to follow the surgeon's guidance to avoid putting undue pressure on the surgical site.

  2. Pain Management: Administer pain relief as prescribed by the surgeon. Always follow the recommended dosage and schedule.

  3. Arm Restraints: Babies may have arm restraints to prevent them from touching the surgical area. Ensure they're not too tight and regularly check for any signs of skin irritation.

  4. Positioning: Elevate the child's head, even during sleep. Avoid letting them lie flat to reduce swelling.

  5. Oral Care: Rinse the mouth with prescribed saline or antiseptic solutions after every feed to keep the surgical site clean.

Continued Care (Week 2 and Beyond):

  1. Scarring: Regularly apply prescribed ointments or creams to minimise scar formation and facilitate healing.

  2. Activity Restrictions: Limit the child's physical activities, ensuring they don't engage in anything that might strain the surgical site.

  3. Dietary Adjustments: Transition from liquid to semi-solid foods should be done under guidance to prevent undue pressure on the healing site.

  4. Oral Appliances: If your child has been provided with any dental or orthodontic appliances, ensure they are maintained and used as advised.

Potential Complications to Monitor:

  1. Signs of Infection: If you observe increased redness, swelling, warmth, or discharge at the surgical site, or if the child develops a fever, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

  2. Poor Healing: Any signs of the wound reopening, excessive bleeding, or tissue discolouration should be reported promptly.

  3. Breathing or Feeding Difficulties: Monitor for any breathing irregularities or challenges while feeding.

Follow-Up Appointments:
Regularly attend all scheduled post-operative appointments. These sessions allow the healthcare provider to assess healing progress, make necessary interventions, and plan for any additional procedures or treatments if required.

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