Consent forms are an integral part of any aesthetic practice, serving as a vital communication tool between the practitioner and patient. In addition to ensuring that patients are well-informed about the treatments they receive, consent forms provide legal protection for both parties involved. This article will dive into the legal aspects of consent forms, including potential malpractice claims and the importance of thorough documentation to protect both the practitioner and the patient.

Understanding Informed Consent

Informed consent is the process by which a patient learns about and understands the purpose, benefits, risks, and potential outcomes of a proposed treatment. The patient then voluntarily agrees to proceed with the treatment, having weighed the potential risks and benefits. Informed consent is an essential part of the ethical practice of medicine and plays a crucial role in protecting patients’ autonomy and rights.

For aesthetic practitioners, obtaining informed consent involves providing detailed information about the treatment, including:

  • A thorough explanation of the procedure
  • Possible risks, complications, and side effects
  • Expected outcomes and the potential for dissatisfaction
  • Alternatives to the proposed treatment
  • Post-treatment care and follow-up

Consent Forms and Malpractice Claims

Consent forms serve as legal documents and a signed consent form is evidence that the patient was provided with the necessary information to make an informed decision. Failure to obtain informed consent may result in a malpractice claim if the patient experiences complications or dissatisfaction with the treatment outcome.

Malpractice claims involving consent forms can arise from:

  • Failure to obtain consent: If a practitioner performs a treatment without obtaining the patient’s informed consent, they may be held liable for battery or unauthorised touching.
  • Inadequate disclosure of risks and complications: Practitioners must disclose all material risks associated with treatment, including rare complications. Failure to do so may result in a claim for negligence or lack of informed consent.
  • Misrepresentation of treatment benefits: Overstating the benefits of a treatment or promising unrealistic results can lead to a claim of fraud or misrepresentation.

Thorough Documentation: The Key to Legal Protection

Appropriate documentation is crucial in safeguarding the practitioner and the patient in case of legal disagreements. To guarantee comprehensive documentation, practitioners should:

  • Employ clear, straightforward language: Consent forms must be written in language easily comprehensible by patients. Refrain from using medical jargon or excessively technical terms.
  • Offer an extensive summary of the treatment: The consent form should comprise a thorough explanation of the procedure, anticipated outcomes, potential risks and complications, and any alternative treatments available.
  • Customise the consent form for each patient: Adapt the consent form to address each patient’s specific needs and concerns, ensuring it reflects their unique situation and treatment objectives.
  • Incorporate a section for questions and concerns: Motivate patients to ask questions and voice any concerns before signing the consent form, and document their inquiries along with your responses.
  • Retain records of all consent forms: Keep a copy of every signed consent form in the patient’s file for a duration that meets or exceeds the statute of limitations for medical malpractice claims in your jurisdiction.


Consent forms play a critical role in the legal framework of aesthetic practice, helping to protect both practitioners and patients from potential malpractice claims. By ensuring that patients are well-informed about their treatments and have provided their voluntary consent, practitioners can minimise their legal risks while upholding the highest ethical standards of care. Thorough documentation and a comprehensive consent process are essential components of a successful and legally compliant aesthetic practice.