In the age of automation, personalisation is the key to standing out, especially in an industry as client-centric as aesthetic clinics. Automated reminders are undoubtedly a great tool to improve efficiency and reduce no-shows, but a lack of personalisation can make your clients feel like just another number. Faces understands this all too well, offering both SMS and email reminders with opportunities for customisation that foster stronger client engagement.

Why Personalisation Matters

Gone are the days when a simple “Your appointment is scheduled for…” would suffice. Clients seek a more personalised experience, expecting communication that caters to their unique needs and preferences. Personalisation not only makes the client feel valued but also increases the efficacy of your reminders.

Advantages of Using Faces

Faces enables you to send tailored SMS and email reminders to your clients. Whether it’s sending an immediate reminder upon booking or scheduling one for two weeks or three months in advance, Faces offers the flexibility to meet your clients’ preferences for communication.

Tips for Personalising Your Reminders

Use the Client’s Name
The simplest yet most effective form of personalisation is using the client’s name. It instantly makes the message more relatable and engages the client more effectively.

Include Specific Treatment Details
Make sure the reminder isn’t generic. Including the specific treatment booked can make the client more likely to commit to the appointment.

Add a Personalised Call-to-Action
Instead of a standard “Confirm your appointment,” use a call-to-action that speaks to the client’s specific situation or treatment, like “Confirm your Botox appointment.”

Leverage Time-Specific Messages
With Faces, you can send out reminders at specific intervals—like two weeks or three months ahead—allowing you to provide timely information, such as preparatory steps for their treatment.

Fine-tuning for Better Engagement
Faces provides analytics to help you gauge the effectiveness of your personalised reminders. Pay attention to metrics like open rates and responses to better understand what works and what doesn’t, enabling you to continuously refine your approach.

Keep the Data Current
Remember, the success of personalisation is heavily dependent on the quality of your data. Faces makes it easy to keep your client database updated, so the right messages go to the right people at the right time.


In a competitive industry like aesthetic treatments, the little touches can make a big difference. By personalising your clinic’s reminders, you not only enhance client engagement but also improve the overall customer experience. And with Faces offering both SMS and email reminders with high levels of customisation, getting personal has never been easier or more effective.