chemical peel

Faces | Botox, Laser Hair Removal, and More

Are you looking for miracle cures to stay looking younger for longer? I think most people are, and this is why so many people are now turning to aesthetic treatments to help them keep looking younger for longer.
Here we look at some of the most popular treatments such as Botox and laser hair removal. We discuss what is needed and how they work and what you can expect from the results!


Botox is one of the most popular aesthetic treatments that clients now go for, the reason for this is due to it actually working! Botox works by injection around the face, normally across 3 areas. This is done to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

The treatment involves injecting small amounts of Botox in the chosen areas, areas normally targeted are the forehead and around the eyes. Results usually has around three to six months, then after that, you’ll need to have the treatment again. Botox usually works on most people; however, some people are immune meaning the results won’t be as good or non-existent. But this is rare. So worth giving it a go!

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are another well-liked treatment to help reduce wrinkles and enhance facial volume. These fillers are made of a gel-like substance that is injected beneath the skin to smooth out lines and wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in our skin, is the primary component of the most common types of fillers.

Dermal fillers can be used on different areas, such as the cheeks, lips, and around the mouth. Depending on the type of filler used, the results can last for a few months or even up to two years.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are used to help remove the top layer of the skin to help produce new skin cells and reveal a newer fresher level of the skin. Doing this helps reduce the fine lines and wrinkles, scars and uneven skin tones.

There are many different strengths of chemical peels, the mild ones can be done from home, but the stronger ones that have higher levels of acid would need to be carried out by skin practitioners, as certain products and machinery may be needed.


Microdermabrasion works by using a machine to exfoliate the top layer of the skin with a chemical peel. Doing this helps removes the fines and wrinkles from the skin as well as any scars – whilst improving the texture of the skin. The treatment is usually done over a series of sessions with results lasting several months.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a popular treatment that uses a laser to focus on hair follicles, preventing hair from growing back. This procedure can be done on various body parts, including the face, legs, underarms, and bikini area. Achieving the best results typically requires several sessions, with hair gradually becoming finer and less noticeable over time.


CoolSculpting is a non-invasive treatment that uses cold temperatures to freeze and eliminate fat cells. This can assist in reducing unwanted fat in areas like the stomach, thighs, and love handles. The treatment is painless, and results can be seen within a few weeks to a few months. The destroyed fat cells do not return, but it’s crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle to manage the remaining fat cells.

To sum up, the UK presents quite a few aesthetic treatments designed to help you look and feel amazing. From Botox to laser hair removal, these procedures can help with your appearance and strengthen your self-confidence. If you are interested in any of these treatments it’s always best to speak to a professional aesthetics practitioner for a consultation before having the treatment.

A Guide to Buying and Using Chemical Peels in Your Aesthetic Clinic

As an aesthetic clinic owner or practitioner, you’re likely always on the lookout for new and innovative treatments to offer your clients. Chemical peels have long been a popular choice for those seeking a refreshed and rejuvenated complexion, and they can be a valuable addition to your menu of services.

Here we’ll guide you through buying and using chemical peels in your aesthetic clinic, from selecting the right products to ensuring a safe and effective treatment for your clients.

Understanding Chemical Peels

Chemical peels represent a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that employs a specialised chemical solution to gently eliminate the top layers of skin, unveiling a smoother, more luminous complexion underneath.

This technique helps the development of new, healthy skin cells and can effectively target various skin issues, such as fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and acne scars

There are three main types of chemical peels, classified by their depth:

Superficial peels: Utilising alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) such as glycolic, lactic, or mandelic acid, these gentle peels lightly exfoliate the skin’s surface. They are perfect for clients with minor skin flaws or those desiring a gentle, revitalising treatment.

Medium peels: Employing trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or a blend of AHAs and BHAs, medium peels delve deeper into the skin to tackle moderate skin issues like sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and acne scars.

Deep peels: Known for their potency and typically containing phenol, deep peels deliver the most remarkable results but require a more extended recovery period and carry a higher risk of complications. Only skilled practitioners should perform deep peels.

Choosing the Right Chemical Peels for Your Clinic

When choosing chemical peels for your clinic, take into account the following aspects:

Client requirements: Assess your clientele and pinpoint the most prevalent skin issues they face. This will guide you in determining the most suitable types of peels for your clients.

Manufacturer credibility: Look for products from well-established manufacturers with a solid history in the industry. Seek out companies that supply high-quality formulations and offer extensive training and support.

Cost and profitability: Estimate the expense per treatment, considering not only the product’s price but also any required accessories or disposable items. Remember to look for the potential return on investment when making your final decision.

Ensuring Client Safety and Satisfaction

Client safety and satisfaction should be your primary concerns when conducting chemical peels. Go by these recommendations to guarantee a pleasant experience for your clients:

Carry out an in-depth consultation: Prior to initiating any procedure, discuss with your client their skin type, concerns, and objectives. This information will assist you in selecting the most suitable peel for their specific needs.

Patch test: Always conduct a patch test on a discreet section of the skin to assess for potential adverse reactions.

Prepare the skin: Clean the skin meticulously and administer a pre-peel solution to eliminate residual oil and debris. This step ensures uniform penetration of the peel.

Observe correct application methods: Systematically and evenly apply the peel, being cautious not to create overlapping layers or miss any spots.

Make sure your client is comfortable: Regularly check with your client throughout the treatment to confirm they are comfy and if they experiencing any pain or discomfort.

Post-treatment aftercare: Provide clients with clear instructions on how to care for their skin after the peel, including the use of gentle cleansers, sun protection, and any recommended soothing or hydrating products.
Adding chemical peels to your aesthetic clinic’s offerings can help you expand your services and cater to a wider range of client needs.

By carefully selecting the right products, prioritising client safety, and following proper application techniques, you can provide your clients with impressive results and a positive experience.

Stay updated with industry trends and advancements in chemical peel formulations to continually enhance your practice and maintain a competitive edge.

As your clients enjoy the benefits of rejuvenated and revitalised skin, you’ll see increased satisfaction, loyalty, and word-of-mouth referrals, contributing to the overall success of your aesthetic clinic.

The Truth about Chemical Peels: Myths vs. Facts

Trying to find the correct skincare can be challenging and daunting, particularly when it involves procedures such as chemical peels. With a whole range of viewpoints circulating, discerning fact from fiction can prove challenging.

Here we look into the realities and dispel prevalent misconceptions surrounding chemical peels, empowering you to make well-informed choices on your skincare journey.

Myth 1: Chemical Peels are Only for Severe Skin Issues

Fact: Chemical peels can benefit a wide range of skin types and concerns.

While it’s true that peels can help address severe issues like acne scarring and deep wrinkles, they can also be tailored to treat more mild concerns such as dullness, uneven skin tone, and fine lines.

The key is to work with an experienced professional who can assess your skin’s needs and recommend the appropriate peel strength and type for your specific goals.

Myth 2: All Chemical Peels are Painful.

Fact: The level of discomfort experienced during a chemical peel varies depending on the type and strength of the peel.

Superficial peels, which only target the outermost layer of the skin, typically cause minimal discomfort and may feel like a mild tingling sensation.

Medium and deep peels, which penetrate further into the skin, can cause more discomfort. However, your skincare professional can take measures to minimise pain, such as applying a numbing cream before the procedure.

Myth 3: Chemical Peels Make Your Skin Peel Off in Sheets

Fact: While the name “chemical peel” might conjure up images of skin shedding dramatically in large sheets, this is not usually the case.

With superficial peels, you may experience mild flaking or peeling, like a sunburn, that is easily managed with gentle exfoliation and moisturising.

Medium and deep peels can cause more noticeable peeling, but it’s typically confined to smaller, manageable pieces. The extent of peeling will depend on the peel’s strength and your skin’s response to the treatment.

Myth 4: Performing a Chemical Peel at Home is Viable Truth

Fact: While you can find chemical peel kits for home use, they do not offer the same effectiveness or safety as receiving treatment from a professional at a clinic.

Home-based peels usually have a lower strength compared to professional-grade peels, which restricts their potential to produce the best results.

Applying a chemical peel without the necessary expertise may result in issues like burns, scarring, and pigmentation changes. To ensure you receive the most suitable and efficient treatment, it is always advisable speaking with a qualified skincare practitioner.

Myth 5: Chemical Peels are Unsafe for Dark Skin Tones

Fact: When carried out by a skilled professional, chemical peels can be secure and beneficial for people with darker skin tones.

Selecting a peel that caters to your skin type and concerns is crucial. High concentrations of certain acids in some peels might lead to hyperpigmentation risks in darker skin tones.

Nonetheless, numerous peels are specifically designed to cater to the distinct requirements of darker skin without causing undesirable side effects. Chemical peels are a flexible and efficient skincare solution suitable for various skin types and issues.

By correcting these prevalent misconceptions, we aim to equip you with the necessary information to determine if a chemical peel is a right choice for you. As with any skincare procedure, it is vital to seek advice from a knowledgeable practitioner who can evaluate your skin’s needs and suggest the proper approach.

Unravel the Mystery of Chemical Peels: Discover the Perfect Peel for Your Unique Skin Needs!

Setting out on the path to impeccable skin? Chemical peels could be your hidden treasure! Unveil the enigma behind these potent skincare solutions and identify the ideal peel for your individual skin requirements. With a plethora of choices, you can address a variety of skin issues – from acne scarring to sun damage and beyond. Continue reading to explore the diverse chemical peels on offer and pinpoint the one that will elevate your skincare journey! Let’s dive into the most notable chemical peels and discover the benefits of each.

Glycolic Acid Peels: The Adaptable All-Star

As a widely favoured alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), glycolic acid peels are celebrated for their versatility. They can effectively tackle a range of skin concerns, such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone, and sun damage. With various strengths on offer, glycolic acid peels cater to different skin types and sensitivities, making them an excellent choice for those new to peels.

Salicylic Acid Peels: The Blemish-Busting Champion

If you’re grappling with stubborn acne, salicylic acid peels could be your knight in shining armour. As a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA), salicylic acid is oil-soluble, enabling it to infiltrate the pores and dissolve excess oil. This makes it particularly adept at treating acne-prone and oily skin. Furthermore, salicylic acid peels can help alleviate inflammation and ward off future breakouts.

Lactic Acid Peels: The Tender Titan

Perfect for sensitive skin types, lactic acid peels are another kind of AHA that gently exfoliates the skin without causing irritation. Sourced from milk, lactic acid aids in enhancing skin texture, brightening the complexion, and minimising the appearance of fine lines. Its delicate nature renders it suitable for those with rosacea or delicate skin.

TCA Peels: The Deep-Reaching Transformer

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peels are medium-depth peels that deliver more dramatic outcomes than superficial peels. They can tackle moderate skin issues, such as deep wrinkles, sun damage, and acne scarring. TCA peels delve deeper into the skin, yielding considerable enhancements in skin texture and tone. However, they might necessitate a more extended recovery period and are best suited for seasoned peel users.

Phenol Peels: The Potent Revitaliser

Phenol peels are the most powerful and intense form of chemical peel, reserved for individuals with severe skin concerns or pronounced wrinkles. They provide remarkable skin rejuvenation, albeit with a longer recovery time and potential side effects. Phenol peels should only be performed by a skilled professional and might not be appropriate for all skin types.

Navigating the realm of chemical peels can be daunting, but comprehending the benefits and distinctions between each variety can assist you in making an informed choice. It’s crucial to consult with a seasoned aesthetic practitioner to ascertain the most appropriate peel for your skin type, concerns, and objectives. With the ideal chemical peel, you can unlock the secret to a radiant, youthful, and blemish-free complexion. Don’t delay – uncover the perfect chemical peel for you today!

What’s the Downtime When Using a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels have emerged as a highly sought-after cosmetic treatment for those seeking a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. This skin resurfacing technique works by removing the top layer of dead skin cells to reveal a smoother and more youthful complexion. However, some individuals may have reservations about undergoing the procedure due to concerns about the recovery time. If you’re considering a chemical peel, it’s important to understand what to expect during the recovery process.

The downtime required for a chemical peel can vary depending on the type and strength of the peel used. Superficial peels, which penetrate only the top layer of skin, typically require little to no downtime. However, medium and deep peels may require a few days to a week for the skin to fully heal. Within the healing process, you’ll probably have redness, peeling, and some discomfort. Your skin will be more sensitive to the sun, so it’s important to avoid sun exposure and wear protective clothing and SPF the higher the better.

Tell me more about a Chemical Peel.

A chemical peel is a beauty treatment to help rejuvenate the appearance of the skin through the application of a chemical solution. This solution induces the shedding of the outermost layer of skin, unveiling a more refined and rejuvenated look. Chemical peels come in various types, with varying strengths of the chemical solution utilised, ranging from mild to deep peels.

What’s the Downtime when having a Chemical Peel?

After a chemical peel, the skin undergoes a period of healing known as downtime. This phase is characterised by redness, swelling, sensitivity, and in some cases, flaking or peeling of the skin. The duration of downtime is influenced by the type of chemical peel applied as well as the individual’s skin type and sensitivity. It is essential to allow the skin to heal during this period, which may vary depending on the person and the type of peel.

The recovery time after a mild chemical peel is typically short, allowing individuals to resume their regular activities right after the procedure. However, deeper peels may necessitate a more extended downtime period of several days or weeks. During this period, it is important to take precautions to prevent sun exposure and adhere to a strict skincare regimen to facilitate proper skin healing.

What will happen throughout the healing process?

The duration of the recuperation period following a chemical peel is contingent on the kind of peel that is undertaken. In the aftermath of a mild peel, the skin may display a slight reddening or become sensitive for a brief period. Nevertheless, for most individuals, the resumption of routine activities may be undertaken immediately after the procedure.

Deeper peels necessitate a more extended recovery period. In the initial days following the treatment, the skin may display redness, sensitivity, and swelling, and the topmost layer may flake or peel off. To avoid further damage, it is vital to keep the skin hydrated and protected from the sun. Your dermatologist may suggest utilising creams or ointments to ease discomfort and diminish inflammation.

Following the onset of healing, the skin might remain vulnerable and prone to irritations for a considerable amount of time. Thus, it is highly recommended to steer clear of direct sun exposure and ensure the regular application of sunscreen, as a preventive measure against any potential harm to the skin.

The Takeaway

The duration of downtime necessary for a chemical peel varies depending on several factors, including the specific type of peel administered and the individual’s skin type and sensitivity. Nonetheless, chemical peels are considered safe and effective methods of enhancing skin appearance. If you are interested in undergoing a chemical peel, it is vital to consult with a dermatologist to determine the most appropriate type of peel for your skin and to learn about the recovery process. With proper preparation and aftercare, a chemical peel can provide you with a more youthful and smoother complexion with minimal downtime.

I Need a Chemical Peel, Help!

When it comes to your skin, especially your face, you should always try to use the best products possible! Finding the perfect chemical peel can be a game-changer for your skin’s health and appearance. There are so many brands and products to pick from, it’s important to use a peel that’s kind to your skin’s needs.

Don’t worry, though – navigating the world of chemical peels is easier than you might think!
By taking the time to research the ingredients and exfoliation levels of each peel, you can make an informed decision that will leave you feeling confident and radiant. So go ahead, take the plunge, and treat yourself to a chemical peel that’s perfect for you! You’ll be left with glowing skin and more confidence!

Discover your skin type! Take time to look into what skin type you have, and if you need a little extra help, don’t worry – we all do sometimes! Knowing your skin type is the first step towards better and healthy skin. Whether your skin is dry, oily, sensitive, or prone to acne, there’s a peel out there that will rejuvenate and enhance your natural beauty. So, take that first step, and let your beauty shine through!

Find the best chemical peels. Help your skin become clearer and blotch-free with a variety of chemical peels, ranging from alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) to beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) and trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Find out about the properties and benefits of each peel, tailored to suit your individual skin type. Let your skin radiate confidence and beauty with the chemical peel.

Unlock the potential of your skin with the power of chemical peels! These miraculous treatments are available in three different levels of exfoliation: superficial, medium, and deep. Choose the one that best suits your skin type and let it work its magic. If you have sensitive or acne-prone skin, go for the gentle superficial peel. For a more intense treatment, try the medium or deep peel. Trust the process and let your skin shine and glow like never before!

Unlock your skin’s full potential! Plan a trip to visit a skilled dermatologist or aesthetician in your local area, you can find one close to you on the faces consent app. Their expertise will help you choose the perfect chemical peel tailored to your skin type. Take the first step towards the radiant and glowing complexion you deserve by seeking professional advice.

You deserve to treat your skin with the utmost care and respect. Before using a chemical peel, it’s best to do a patch test. By applying a small amount of peel to a small area of your skin, you can see if your skin reacts positively to the treatment. Wait 24 hours and then add the rest of the peel to your skin. Leave the peel on for the recommended time, don’t worry if you go over the time slightly as most chemical peels self-neutralise.

When it comes to finding the perfect chemical peel for your skin type, take your time when looking for the right peel. Take the time to educate yourself, go and speak to a skincare expert, and be mindful of the precautions necessary to achieve your desired results. By doing so, you can discover the ideal peel that will leave your skin looking and feeling its best, without any unwanted irritation or damage. Remember, investing in your skin is an investment in yourself, so go and check out a few chemical peels and find the one that suits your skin! Oh, and remember to wear SPF, factor 50!