“How to start a successful aesthetics academy?”

That’s probably the first thing you’ve put on your search bar and gotten to this blog post. We know you’re already itching to start a successful aesthetics academy, and in the ever-growing field of aesthetics, building a training academy would carve a path to train new aesthetic practitioners, scale your profits, and give you a chance to showcase your excellence and experience.

Now, before we tackle the intricacies of course accreditation, let’s first understand the meaning behind it.

Understanding Accreditation

Accreditation is a formal verification from an accrediting group. These accreditations imply that the courses you will be offering have met the highest standards and that you, as a trainer, are competent enough to assess your students. 

Aesthetic courses, which are accredited, also assure students that they will receive quality educational experience from the training. This also serves as a benchmark for safety and quality during the course and is often a prerequisite for advanced certifications in the industry. Long story short, it’s an edge for both the trainer and its students. Now that we’ve established that CPD accreditations are important to start a successful aesthetics academy let’s discover how and where to get your courses accredited!

How and where do I get my courses accredited?

There are a few requirements to start the process of accreditation.

1. Certificate or a document of your teaching qualification.

2. Certificate of qualification for the course to be accredited.

3. Copy of each training manual to be accredited.

4. Pre-study material

5. Lesson Plan

6. Copy of course duration

These are the basic requirements most CPD accreditation groups need, but additional documents may be requested depending on the accreditation body. In searching for an accreditation group you need to thoroughly check their services, credibility, and the courses they can accredit. For a faster application, you can simply get your courses accredited on Faces by clicking here. Head over to Faces to start a successful aesthetics academy!

How much are course accreditations?

Accreditations can cost you between £100 and £2000, depending on the accreditation body and the number of courses that need accreditation. The fee can be quite hefty if you’re still starting so we highly suggest saving money before jumping right in. If you already have the money and the requirements, you can go to your Faces account, click on Services, and tap CPD Services to get more information. For easier access, click here.

Teach and inspire confidence

We know that starting a successful aesthetics academy would bring you a great deal of revenue. It’s not bad to look at the money itself, but as a future educator, you need to teach and inspire confidence. Planning what to teach, your delivery, and listening skills are the key factors in instilling a safe and caring class atmosphere. A safe and caring atmosphere would make your students feel that they are supported and cared for, so it is also a necessity to work on your people skills and teaching skills before starting up a training academy.


Accreditation is more than just a certificate on a wall; it is evidence that you are continuously honing your craft to the highest quality, a mark of professionalism, and an advantage in a competitive industry. Though accreditation is important, your social skills and teaching skills will also prove necessary once you’ve trained your first batch of students. So save up, do your homework, and aim to be the best at what you do!

Sign up for Faces for free to get a glimpse of the prices and information about course accreditation. Sign up here.

If you need help, email us or WhatsApp us anytime!

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