
Understanding the Risks: What Your Botox Consent Form Should Disclose

If you run an aesthetic clinic offering Botox treatments, you know how crucial informed consent is. You want your clients to feel confident and safe, right? Well, having a clear and detailed Botox consent form is the cornerstone of building that trust. Plus, it also provides a layer of legal protection for your practice. The good news is, with Faces, you’ve got a pre-made, comprehensive Botox consent form at your fingertips.

Why a Solid Consent Form is a Must-Have

Think of a consent form like a roadmap for your client. It helps them know what to expect and gives them the lowdown on any risks involved. Plus, if something does go sideways (though we all work hard to avoid that), a well-crafted consent form can help protect your clinic legally.

The Quick Solution: Faces’ Ready-to-Go Botox Consent Form

With Faces, you don’t need to worry about drafting a consent form from scratch. They’ve got a ready-made one that’s detailed, easy to understand, and legally vetted. It saves you time and effort, so you can focus more on your clients.

What Should Be on Your Consent Form

Procedure Overview
First things first, tell them what Botox is and how it works. Be clear about what areas you’ll be treating and how you’ll do it.

The Likely Benefits
Let them know why they’re considering Botox in the first place. Will it smooth out wrinkles? Lessen frown lines? But remember, no over-promising.

Possible Risks
It’s only fair to clue them in on what could go wrong. The Faces form already includes a list of common side effects like bruising, headaches, and even some less common, more serious ones like drooping eyelids.

Other Options
Believe it or not, Botox isn’t the only game in town. The Faces form lists other treatments they might consider, like dermal fillers or even surgery.

What Happens After
Aftercare matters, so give them a heads-up on what to expect post-treatment. Talk about any restrictions and signs that they should seek immediate medical help.

The Sign-Off
Lastly, there’s a section where your client acknowledges they’ve read and understood everything. They’ll sign here to give their official go-ahead.

Keep It Simple and Updated

Faces’ consent form uses straightforward language without dumbing things down. And you can be sure it stays updated with the latest medical guidelines.

Wrapping It Up

A thorough Botox consent form is more than just paperwork—it’s an important part of responsible, ethical care. With Faces, creating a consent form that covers all the bases becomes a whole lot easier. So, if you’re committed to providing top-notch, transparent service, it’s a no-brainer to add Faces’ ready-made Botox consent form to your toolkit.

Personalising Your Clinic’s Reminders: Tips for Better Client Engagement with Faces

In the age of automation, personalisation is the key to standing out, especially in an industry as client-centric as aesthetic clinics. Automated reminders are undoubtedly a great tool to improve efficiency and reduce no-shows, but a lack of personalisation can make your clients feel like just another number. Faces understands this all too well, offering both SMS and email reminders with opportunities for customisation that foster stronger client engagement.

Why Personalisation Matters

Gone are the days when a simple “Your appointment is scheduled for…” would suffice. Clients seek a more personalised experience, expecting communication that caters to their unique needs and preferences. Personalisation not only makes the client feel valued but also increases the efficacy of your reminders.

Advantages of Using Faces

Faces enables you to send tailored SMS and email reminders to your clients. Whether it’s sending an immediate reminder upon booking or scheduling one for two weeks or three months in advance, Faces offers the flexibility to meet your clients’ preferences for communication.

Tips for Personalising Your Reminders

Use the Client’s Name
The simplest yet most effective form of personalisation is using the client’s name. It instantly makes the message more relatable and engages the client more effectively.

Include Specific Treatment Details
Make sure the reminder isn’t generic. Including the specific treatment booked can make the client more likely to commit to the appointment.

Add a Personalised Call-to-Action
Instead of a standard “Confirm your appointment,” use a call-to-action that speaks to the client’s specific situation or treatment, like “Confirm your Botox appointment.”

Leverage Time-Specific Messages
With Faces, you can send out reminders at specific intervals—like two weeks or three months ahead—allowing you to provide timely information, such as preparatory steps for their treatment.

Fine-tuning for Better Engagement
Faces provides analytics to help you gauge the effectiveness of your personalised reminders. Pay attention to metrics like open rates and responses to better understand what works and what doesn’t, enabling you to continuously refine your approach.

Keep the Data Current
Remember, the success of personalisation is heavily dependent on the quality of your data. Faces makes it easy to keep your client database updated, so the right messages go to the right people at the right time.


In a competitive industry like aesthetic treatments, the little touches can make a big difference. By personalising your clinic’s reminders, you not only enhance client engagement but also improve the overall customer experience. And with Faces offering both SMS and email reminders with high levels of customisation, getting personal has never been easier or more effective.

The Art of Crafting Effective SMS and Email Reminders

The modern aesthetic clinic operates in a digital landscape, and effective communication has never been more vital. One of the most pivotal elements of this digital dialogue is sending out reminders for appointments, treatments, and follow-ups. Although several methods can get the job done, SMS and email stand head and shoulders above the rest in terms of effectiveness. Even better, with Faces, you have the luxury of using both features to ensure you reach your clients in the most suitable way. In this masterclass, we’ll break down the artistry behind crafting compelling SMS and email reminders.

SMS Reminders: The Mastery of Brevity

The charm of SMS lies in its straightforwardness; however, this also confines you to a tight character limit. You’ve got 160 characters to get your message across effectively.

Key Components:
Identify Yourself:
Always start with your clinic’s name so the client knows who’s reaching out.
Directness: Indicate clearly why you’re messaging, whether it’s a reminder, update, or follow-up.
Actionable Info: Provide essential details such as appointment date and time, and any next steps.
Tone: Opt for a tone that’s professional yet friendly, to reflect your clinic’s ethos.
“Hi [Client’s Name], this is [Clinic’s Name]. Your appointment is on [Date] at [Time]. Reply ‘YES’ to confirm. Cheers!”

Email Reminders: The Art of Detail

With emails, you’ve got room to breathe. Space allows for a more elaborate message, but you must keep the content concise to maintain client engagement.

Key Components:
Subject Line:
Aim for clarity and relevance to encourage your client to open the email.
Salutation: “Dear [Client’s Name]” sets a professional, courteous tone.
Core Content: Detail the appointment specifics clearly, consider bullet points for readability.
Call to Action: Be it confirmation, cancellation, or something else, guide your client on what to do next.
Signature: Sign off in a professional manner, including your name, title, and contact details for quick reference.
Subject: Your Upcoming Appointment at [Clinic’s Name] on [Date]

Dear [Client’s Name],

We look forward to hosting you on [Date] at [Time].

Location: [Address]
Preparations: [What they need to do]
Please confirm your appointment by clicking below.

[Confirmation Link]

Best wishes,
[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Contact Info]

The Best of Both Worlds with Faces

Why choose one when you can benefit from both? Faces offers both SMS and email reminder features, providing your clinic with the flexibility to tailor your communication methods based on your clients’ preferences and your operational needs. An initial, detailed email can be followed by an SMS for last-minute reminders, combining the strengths of both mediums.

Final Thoughts: The Balance is the Art

Crafting captivating SMS and email reminders requires a nuanced approach that respects the strengths and limitations of each medium. With Faces, you can seamlessly integrate both into your clinic’s communication strategy. Effective reminders are more than just notices; they reflect your clinic’s professionalism and attentiveness. Get it right, and you build not only better attendance rates but also stronger client relationships.

Comparing SMS and Email: Which Reminder Method is Best?

When it comes to managing an aesthetic clinic, communication is key. In particular, appointment reminders can spell the difference between a bustling practice and a room full of no-shows. While numerous methods for sending reminders are available, SMS and email consistently emerge as the top options. But which one is the most effective for your clinic? Luckily, with Faces, you don’t have to choose—both features are available to meet your specific needs. Let’s explore the unique benefits of each, and why offering both could be the game-changer your clinic needs.

Open Rates: SMS Commands Attention

With an eye-popping open rate of around 98%, SMS reminders are almost guaranteed to be seen by your clients. Emails have a significantly lower average open rate, usually falling between 20% and 30%. If your primary concern is ensuring your reminder is seen, SMS clearly has the upper hand.

Comprehensive Content: The Email Advantage

If your reminder needs to be accompanied by detailed information, such as pre-treatment guidelines or promotions, email is the way to go. Unlike SMS, which is limited to 160 characters, emails provide the space for a more thorough and enriching communication experience.

Accessibility: Tailoring to Your Audience

SMS and email are both widely accessible, but the frequency with which your clients check each can differ based on age, profession, or personal preference. With Faces, you can tailor your approach based on your client demographics, offering both options for maximum accessibility.

Cost Factors: Balancing Budget and Effectiveness

Sending SMS reminders can be more expensive, especially in bulk. However, if they significantly reduce no-shows, the costs may well justify themselves. On the flip side, emails are usually more budget-friendly and could already be part of your existing client management software. Faces allows you the flexibility to choose based on your budget constraints and ROI calculations.

Urgency: SMS for Time-Sensitive Reminders

SMS reminders are often opened within minutes of receipt, making them ideal for last-minute changes or emergencies. Emails might not be checked as regularly, especially if they land in the spam folder or get lost among other messages.

Professionalism and Branding: Email’s Winning Qualities

Emails allow for a more polished, professional look, complete with your clinic’s branding and formal language. SMS might be viewed as more casual and might not be the best fit for conveying highly professional or complex information.

Analytics: Email for the Data-Driven

Email reminders can offer rich analytics like click-through rates and conversions, helping you fine-tune your future communications. SMS is more limited in this respect but compensates with nearly guaranteed visibility.

The Best of Both Worlds: Faces Offers Flexibility

Why limit yourself to one when you can have both? With Faces, you can send both SMS and email reminders based on your unique needs. For urgent, time-sensitive reminders, an SMS can be dispatched, ensuring almost immediate receipt. For more detailed communications, like treatment preparation or special promotions, an email could be more appropriate.

The Final Word

Whether it’s SMS, email, or a combination of both, the choice of reminder method should align with both your operational needs and your clients’ preferences. With Faces, you can effortlessly offer both, giving you the flexibility to adapt as those needs and preferences evolve. In the ever-changing landscape of aesthetic clinics, having options isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity. So why compromise when you can have the best of both worlds?

How Aesthetic Treatments Are Redefining Celebrity Beauty Standards

Ever scrolled through Instagram and thought, “Wow, they look amazing”? You’re not alone. But that flawless look isn’t all natural beauty and good lighting; aesthetic treatments are playing a big role. It’s not just us regular folks who are noticing—celebs are all over it. So, how is this affecting what we think of as “beautiful”? Let’s break it down.

The New Natural

Remember when cosmetic treatments meant you could spot someone’s facelift from a mile away? Those days are long gone. Today’s aesthetic treatments, like fillers and microdermabrasion, aim for a more natural look that’s hard to detect. It’s all about enhancing what you’ve got, not creating something totally new.

Let’s Talk About It

What was once whispered is now shouted from the rooftops. Celebrities aren’t just getting treatments; they’re talking about it openly, from Instagram stories to magazine interviews. This new openness is shaking up old stereotypes that tied cosmetic procedures to vanity and makes us all feel a bit more comfortable about the idea.

Brand You: Why Unique Is In

For celebrities, image is everything. But instead of turning into cookie-cutter versions of beauty, stars are using aesthetic treatments to emphasize what makes them unique. And that’s kind of liberating for the rest of us. If they can celebrate what makes them special, why shouldn’t we?

Not Just for the A-List

Sure, celebs got the ball rolling, but these treatments aren’t only for those with a star on the Walk of Fame. As they become more common, prices are coming down and safety is going up, making them an option for anyone who’s interested.

Keep It Real

With all this buzz, it’s important to stay grounded. Treatments come with their own set of risks and should be approached responsibly. The key takeaway? If you’re considering getting something done, make sure you consult with a qualified medical professional.

Wrapping It Up

The way we’re looking at beauty is changing, thanks in part to celebrities and aesthetic treatments. This shift isn’t just about how we look; it’s about how we feel about ourselves. Sure, the debate will continue about whether this is good or bad. But for now, it’s a trend that’s here to stay, and it’s making us rethink what beauty really means.

Why Every Aesthetic Clinic Needs Email Reminders

Owning or managing an aesthetic clinic is no simple feat. You’ve got to juggle client consultations, treatments, and a million other things that go into keeping the doors open. With all that going on, it’s no wonder some things can fall through the cracks. However, if there’s one thing you really can’t afford to overlook, it’s email reminders. If you’re not sending these yet, keep reading because you’re about to discover why they’re non-negotiable.

The Nightmare of No-Shows

Let’s talk about that sinking feeling when you glance at an empty treatment room because a client forgot their appointment. It’s not just an inconvenience; it’s a costly mistake that hits your bottom line. Email reminders act as a gentle poke, reminding your clients about their commitment. The effect? Dramatically fewer no-shows and a schedule that runs like a well-oiled machine. That’s not just a win for your business; it’s a sanity-saver for you and your team.

Keep That Relationship Spark Alive

An email reminder isn’t just a dry, robotic message. It’s a touchpoint, a chance to maintain a relationship with your clients. Think of it as a mini-newsletter: You can share skincare tips, discuss new treatments, or even offer limited-time discounts. In essence, you can make this tool work double duty, serving both as a reminder and as a marketing message. Your clients will appreciate the added value, and your business will benefit from the increased engagement.

Goodbye to Chaos, Hello to Efficiency

The problem with no-shows isn’t just the immediate loss of revenue; it’s the ripple effect on your clinic’s workflow. Staff are left idle, appointments get delayed, and the whole day can turn into a logistical nightmare. But with reliable email reminders, you can expect a smoother workflow that makes the best use of your staff’s time and skills.

Unchain Your Reception Staff

Take a moment to think about how much time your front desk spends making reminder phone calls or sending manual text messages. That’s time that could be better spent on other crucial tasks like customer service or administrative work. Email reminders can be automated, freeing your reception staff to focus on making the client experience exceptional from the moment they walk through the door.

Making Your Clients’ Lives Easier

Your clients are busy people. Between work, family, and social commitments, it’s easy for things to slip their minds. Email reminders give them a quick and easily accessible reference for their appointments, which they can easily reschedule with a single click. It’s a win-win situation; you minimise disruptions to your schedule while offering unparalleled convenience to your clients.

The Subtle Art of Professionalism

Sending timely, well-designed email reminders sends a clear message: you’re a top-notch clinic that values your clients’ time. In a market that’s more competitive than ever, these small touches can set you apart from other clinics who aren’t paying attention to these details.

Two-Way Communication

Email reminders are not a one-way street. You can also use them to solicit client feedback, ask for reviews, or even request referrals. It’s an underutilised tool for improving your services based on real customer experiences.

Wrapping Up: A Minor Tool with Major Impact

In conclusion, if email reminders aren’t part of your clinic’s toolkit, you’re missing out on a vital resource that can benefit you in numerous ways. From reducing no-shows and building stronger client relationships to streamlining operations and improving your clinic’s overall professionalism, the impact of this simple tool can be monumental. So don’t delay—integrate email reminders into your clinic’s operational strategy today. The results will speak for themselves.

The Essential Guide to SMS Reminders in Aesthetic Clinics

Explore how SMS reminders can tackle no-shows in aesthetic clinics.

In today’s competitive aesthetic industry, clinic owners grapple with a persistent issue that affects revenue and client satisfaction: appointment no-shows. With the various logistical elements involved in running a successful aesthetic clinic, no-shows contribute to a considerable loss of revenue and wasted resources.

However, there exists a straightforward yet robust solution to this conundrum: the implementation of SMS reminders. This comprehensive guide aims to explain the significance of SMS reminders and delineate the steps to employ them proficiently in your aesthetic clinic.

The Financial Implications of No-Shows

It is imperative to understand that the financial toll of no-shows is not negligible. Appointment slots that go unutilised represent missed opportunities for revenue generation.

Furthermore, this phenomenon leads to inefficiencies, as staff and resources are allocated towards appointments that do not materialise.

The Efficacy of SMS Reminders

Text message reminders have demonstrated unparalleled effectiveness in reducing the rate of no-shows. SMS boasts an impressive open rate of 98%, whereas email open rates languish at approximately 20%.

Given these statistics, the strategic value of incorporating SMS reminders into your client management system is unequivocal.

Elements of an Effective SMS Reminder Strategy

To maximise the efficacy of your SMS reminders, consider the following features:

1. Personalised Messaging: Utilise client-specific information to customise the text, making it more engaging and relevant. For instance, “Dear [Client’s Name], your appointment for [Specific Treatment] with [Practitioner’s Name] is scheduled for [Date & Time].”

Learn to tackle no-shows in your aesthetic clinic using SMS reminders.

2. Two-Way Communication: Enable a dialogue by allowing clients to confirm, cancel, or reschedule their appointments directly through the SMS platform.

3. Automated Synchronisation: Integrate your SMS reminders with your clinic’s appointment management system to ensure consistency and reduce administrative burden.

Implementation Guidelines for SMS Reminders

Here are the guidelines to integrating SMS reminders for your business.

1. Selection of SMS Service Provider: Research and identify a reliable SMS platform that offers feature-rich solutions tailored to the aesthetic industry.

2. Template Customisation: Develop an array of personalised SMS templates that can be utilised for appointment confirmations, reminders, and subsequent follow-ups.

3. System Integration: Seamlessly integrate the chosen SMS system with your clinic’s existing appointment scheduling software.

4. Performance Monitoring: Utilise analytics to track performance metrics like open rates, engagement, and client feedback, to continuously refine your strategy.

Regulatory Compliance

As you embark on this initiative, it is crucial to adhere to relevant data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for clinics operating within the European Union. Ensure that explicit consent is acquired from clients before incorporating them into any automated SMS reminder system.


Incorporating a meticulously planned SMS reminder system not only mitigates the issue of no-shows but also elevates the overall client experience. With reduced cancellations and enhanced client engagement, your aesthetic clinic can operate more efficiently and profitably. Given the compelling advantages, SMS reminders are not just an optional tool but a strategic necessity for any forward-thinking aesthetic clinic.

Faces | Handling Cancellations and Deposit Refunds

Cancellations are an inevitable part of running an aesthetic clinic. While a robust deposit policy can mitigate some of the challenges posed by last-minute changes, handling cancellations and deposit refunds with grace and professionalism is vital. This article, brought to you by Faces—a free platform that securely manages data and bookings—explores how to manage these tricky situations effectively. We aim to ensure minimum friction for you while maintaining and growing our services.

The Importance of a Clear Policy

Transparency from the Get-Go

A transparent policy around cancellations and deposit refunds is the cornerstone of effective management. Ensure this policy is communicated clearly at the time of booking, both verbally and in writing.

Reinforce Through Multiple Channels

Make the policy easily accessible through your website’s FAQ section, booking confirmations, and even on signage in the clinic. The more ways you communicate this information, the better.

Handling Cancellations

The Grace Period

Define a ‘grace period’ in your cancellation policy during which clients can cancel appointments without forfeiting their deposit. This could be anywhere from 24 to 48 hours before the scheduled appointment.

Automated Reminders

Utilise automated SMS or email reminders to help clients remember their appointments, making it easier for them to cancel within the grace period if necessary.

Managing Deposit Refunds

Full Refunds Within the Grace Period

If a client cancels within the specified grace period, process a full refund promptly. Quick and hassle-free refunds can contribute to client satisfaction and long-term loyalty.

Partial Refunds

For cancellations that occur outside the grace period, you may choose to offer a partial refund. Clearly state the conditions for this in your policy.

Non-Refundable Deposits

In some cases, especially where specialised materials are ordered for a treatment, you may have a non-refundable deposit policy. Ensure this is clearly communicated and understood by the client at the time of booking.

Balancing Firmness and Flexibility

Consistency is Key

Consistently enforcing your cancellation and deposit refund policy is crucial. However, there can be exceptions in extraordinary circumstances.

Extenuating Circumstances

Life happens. In the case of genuine emergencies or unforeseen circumstances, consider offering a refund or rescheduling the appointment even if it falls outside your regular policy.

Staff Training

Make sure all team members are knowledgeable and aligned with the clinic’s policy on cancellations and deposit refunds. This will help ensure consistent and professional handling of such situations.


Handling cancellations and deposit refunds can be a delicate process. By establishing a transparent policy, communicating it clearly, and executing it consistently, you can navigate these challenges effectively. However, a touch of empathy and flexibility in special circumstances can also go a long way in building client trust and satisfaction.

Faces | Deposit Policies that Work

When it comes to running an aesthetic clinic, managing deposits is a critical aspect that often doesn’t get the attention it deserves. A well-thought-out deposit policy not only protects your business but also enhances the client experience. Here we delve into how to craft deposit policies that work for both you and your clients.

Establishing the Right Amount

Fixed vs. Percentage-Based Deposits

You can opt for a fixed deposit amount for all treatments or implement a percentage-based system. Both have their merits, so choose what fits your practice the best.

  • Fixed Deposits: Simple and straightforward for clients to understand.
  • Percentage-Based Deposits: Allows flexibility and is often fairer when services vary widely in price.

Consider Costs

Always take into account the pre-treatment costs when setting a deposit. For example, if certain treatments require the purchase of expensive, non-refundable products, you may opt for a higher deposit.

Crafting a Clear Cancellation and Refund Policy


Clarify the period within which a client can cancel and still receive a deposit refund. For example, you may stipulate that cancellations must be made 48 hours before the appointment.


Be explicit about what happens if a client fails to cancel within the given timeframe. Is the deposit forfeited, or can a percentage be used toward future services?

Communication is Key

Inform During Booking

Always inform the client about the deposit requirement during the initial booking, whether it’s done online, over the phone, or in person.

Reiterate in Confirmations

Include a concise summary of your deposit policy in all booking confirmation emails or texts to remind clients of their commitment.

Utilising Technology

Integrated Booking Systems

Sophisticated booking software can automate the deposit process, sending reminders and even processing refunds according to your policies.

Digital Agreements

Use digital platforms to capture clients’ consent and acknowledgment of the deposit policy, saving both time and paper.

Balancing Flexibility and Firmness

Special Circumstances

Life happens. Offering flexibility in genuine emergencies fosters goodwill and can turn a potentially negative experience into a positive one.

Consistency is Crucial

While special circumstances are an exception, consistently enforcing your policy is vital to maintain its effectiveness and fairness to all clients.

Educating Staff

Ensure that all staff members are thoroughly educated about the deposit policies. They should be able to articulate the details clearly and handle any client queries with confidence.


Creating a deposit policy that works requires a balance between securing your business interests and offering a fair, transparent system for your clients. From setting the right amount to employing technology, there are numerous ways to make your deposit system efficient and user-friendly. Remember, the goal is not just to protect revenue but also to enhance client trust and satisfaction.

Faces | Communicating Deposit Requirements to Clients

Communicating deposit requirements is an often-overlooked yet critical aspect of running a successful aesthetic practice. While taking deposits offers various benefits, from revenue security to operational efficiency, how you convey these requirements can make or break the client’s trust. In this post, we explore practical ways to communicate deposit requirements transparently and effectively.

Initial Consultation

Face-to-Face Communication

The initial consultation is an excellent opportunity to talk about deposit requirements. Take the time to explain why deposits are needed, how much will be required, and what the cancellation and refund policies are. A clear, face-to-face discussion can set the stage for a trustworthy relationship.

Written Information

While verbal communication is vital, it’s always good to back it up with written information. Whether it’s a brochure or a printed policy sheet, offer something tangible that clients can refer to later.

Booking Confirmations

Detailed Invoices

Include a breakdown of costs in booking confirmations, clearly showing the deposit amount. Make it easy to understand, avoiding jargon or complex terminology.

Email Communication

When sending confirmation emails, include a section specifically dedicated to explaining the deposit requirement and the associated policies. Make it a standard practice to ensure that every client is informed.

Website and Social Media

FAQ Section

An FAQ section on your website dedicated to deposit questions can offer clarity. This also allows potential clients to understand your policies before even stepping into your practice.

Social Media Announcements

If you change your deposit policies or have special circumstances like holiday booking procedures, social media platforms are a great way to keep your client base informed.

Point-of-Sale Reminders


Having visible signs at the point-of-sale or reception desk can serve as a last-minute reminder and can also help initiate a conversation about deposit requirements.

Staff Training

Ensure your team is well-versed in communicating the deposit requirements. They should be able to explain the policy clearly and handle any questions or concerns a client might have.

Transparency and Flexibility

Clear Terms and Conditions

Make sure your terms and conditions regarding deposits are transparent. Specify what happens if a client needs to cancel or reschedule.

Flexibility in Special Circumstances

While it’s crucial to be consistent in enforcing your policies, there can be exceptions for unforeseen, genuine emergencies. Flexibility can go a long way in building trust.


Communication is the cornerstone of transparency and trust when it comes to deposit requirements in an aesthetic practice. By being upfront and clear about your deposit policies at every touchpoint—from initial consultation to point-of-sale—you can build a strong relationship with your clients, marked by mutual respect and understanding.

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