In today’s fast-paced world, convenience and flexibility are key to maintaining a competitive edge in any industry. For aesthetic clinics, this means keeping up with the latest technologies and payment options that cater to the needs and preferences of a diverse clientele. One such innovation that has been making waves in the beauty industry is Faces Pay Later, a buy now, pay later (BNPL) solution that enables clients to invest in their aesthetic and beauty goals without worrying about costs. 

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the world of Faces Pay Later and explore how this win-win solution is benefitting both clients and aesthetic clinics alike.

Why Faces Pay Later is a Game-Changer for Clients

At the heart of Faces Pay Later is the understanding that aesthetic and beauty treatments are an investment in one’s self-esteem and overall well-being. However, these treatments can be costly, especially when clients opt for high-quality services and products. By offering a flexible payment solution, Faces Pay Later empowers clients to choose the treatments they desire without the financial burden of immediate payment.

Here are some of the benefits that Faces Pay Later brings to clients:

1. Financial Flexibility

With Faces Pay Later, clients can split their payments into smaller, more manageable instalments. This allows them to budget their expenses more effectively and avoid getting into debt.

2. Increased Access to Treatments

The availability of a BNPL option like Faces Pay Later makes high-quality beauty treatments more accessible to a wider audience, as clients can now opt for services they may have previously considered too expensive.

3. Boosted Confidence

By allowing clients to invest in their goals without financial stress, Faces Pay Later helps boost their confidence and self-esteem.

How Aesthetic Clinics Can Benefit from Faces Pay Later

The advantages of Faces Pay Later extend to aesthetic clinics as well, as the service helps them attract more clients, enhance customer loyalty, and streamline their payment processes. Here’s how this innovative solution benefits clinics:

1. Attracting New Clients

By offering a flexible payment option like Faces Pay Later, clinics can appeal to a broader range of clients who may have hesitated to book treatments due to cost concerns. This can lead to increased bookings and revenue.

2. Enhancing Customer Loyalty

Clients who have a positive experience with Faces Pay Later are more likely to return to the same clinic for future treatments. By providing a convenient and stress-free payment solution, clinics can foster long-term relationships with their clients and encourage repeat business.

3. Streamlining Payment Processes

Faces Pay Later simplifies the payment process for both clients and clinics. With easy-to-use online forms and secure transactions, clinics can save time and effort, allowing them to focus on providing exceptional service to their clients.

How to Integrate Faces Pay Later into Your Aesthetic Clinic

Integrating Faces Pay Later into your aesthetic clinic’s payment system is a straightforward process. Clinics can offer customers the availability to split payment options in three ways:

  • Directly through a Consent Form: Incorporate Faces Pay Later as a payment option on your clinic’s consent form. This enables clients to choose the BNPL option when signing up for treatments.

  • Directly through the Faces Booking Form: Add Faces Pay Later as an option on your clinic’s booking form. This makes it easy for clients to select the BNPL option when scheduling their appointments.

  • Forward a Finance Link Directly to the Customer: Send a finance link to your clients, allowing them to access and sign up for Faces Pay Later at their convenience.

Note: Clinics offering Faces Pay Later will be charged a 10% administrative fee for the service. This fee covers the costs associated with providing this innovative payment solution and ensures that clinics can continue offering this attractive option to their clients.

The Future of Faces Pay Later in the Beauty Industry

As the aesthetic and beauty industry continues to evolve, the demand for flexible payment options like Faces Pay Later is only expected to grow. As more and more clients become aware of the benefits of BNPL solutions, aesthetic clinics that offer these services will likely see a significant increase in bookings and overall revenue. 

Additionally, by incorporating Faces Pay Later into their payment systems, clinics can position themselves as forward-thinking establishments that prioritise client satisfaction and convenience.


Faces Pay Later is a win-win solution for both clients and aesthetic clinics, as it provides a flexible payment option that makes high-quality aesthetic and beauty treatments more accessible to a wider audience. By integrating this innovative solution into their payment systems, clinics can attract new clients, enhance customer loyalty, and streamline their payment processes. As the beauty industry continues to evolve, offering Faces Pay Later is a surefire way for clinics to stay ahead of the curve and ensure long-term success in a competitive market.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to revolutionise your aesthetic clinic’s payment options and cater to your clients’ needs. Embrace the future of beauty financing with Faces Pay Later and experience the benefits of this win-win solution for yourself.