sun tanning

Faces | Sun Tanning in the UK

As we all know, the British weather can be a bit of a wildcard. Nevertheless, it’s still very much possible to achieve that golden tan you’ve been yearning for. Welcome to our comprehensive guide on sun tanning in the UK! We’re going to delve into some sun-soaked tips, discuss sun safety, and provide product suggestions that will help you make the most of the sporadic British sunshine.

UK Sun Tanning: Your Perfect Plan

The first step towards getting that sun-kissed glow is understanding your environment. In the UK, the sunniest months are typically from May to August. These months are the best time to start your sun tanning journey. But remember, the intensity of the sun’s rays can vary across the UK, so always check the UV index in your area.

Tip 1: Timing is Everything

Prime tanning hours are usually between 10 am and 4 pm. However, remember that this is also when the sun’s UV rays are the strongest. Make sure to limit your sunbathing to short bursts of 10-30 minutes at first, gradually increasing as your skin becomes accustomed to the sun. Do take frequent breaks in the shade, particularly between 11 am and 3 pm when the sun is at its peak.

Tip 2: Skin Prep is Key

Exfoliation is crucial. It removes dead skin cells, allowing a more even tan. Do this a day or two before you plan to start tanning. Don’t forget to moisturise daily as well, keeping your skin supple and ready for the sun.

Tip 3: Use Sun Protection

Contrary to popular belief, sunscreen doesn’t prevent tanning – it protects your skin from harmful UV rays. Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30, and don’t forget to reapply every 2 hours and after swimming or sweating.

Tip 4: Hydrate

Drinking water is essential when sunbathing. Hydration helps maintain your skin’s health, and a healthy skin tans better. Bring a water bottle with you when sunbathing and take regular sips.

Tip 5: Don’t Forget After-Sun Care

Your after-sun routine is just as important. Cool down with a refreshing shower and use a moisturising after-sun lotion. This helps to lock in your tan and keeps your skin nourished.


Achieving the perfect sun tan in the UK might require a bit more planning and patience compared to sunnier climes, but it’s definitely doable! Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be well on your way to flaunting a beautiful, golden tan.

Stay safe and happy tanning!

Faces | The UK’s Perspective on Sun Tanning

While the UK might not be the first place that comes to mind when one thinks of sun tanning, attitudes towards it have undergone a fascinating evolution over time. This blog will provide an analysis of the trends, changes, and driving factors in the UK’s perspective on sun tanning.

Traditionally, a fair, porcelain-like complexion was considered the standard of beauty in the UK. However, the perspective shifted dramatically during the 20th century when the health benefits of sun exposure, namely vitamin D production, became widely recognised. Concurrently, a sun-kissed complexion started to be associated with affluence and the luxury of foreign travel, and thus, tanning became a sought-after beauty trend.

However, with increasing awareness about skin health and the risks associated with UV exposure – including premature ageing and skin cancer – the early 21st century saw the advent of the “faux glow”. Sunless tanning products flooded the market, offering a safer alternative to natural tanning. Self-tanning lotions, mousses, and spray tans became the preferred choice for those wanting to achieve a bronzed look without exposing their skin to harmful UV radiation.

Fast forward to the 2020s, the trend in the UK leans more towards natural skin tones and promoting skin health. The advent of “skin positivity” movement, encouraging individuals to embrace their natural skin, whether pale or dark, freckled or clear, has brought about a significant change in the way sun tanning is perceived. It also gives rise to beauty trends like “glass skin” and “dewy skin”, emphasising skin health over skin colour.

The rise of advanced skincare products and treatments focusing on maintaining skin health, protecting against UV radiation, and correcting sun damage reflect this shift. Skincare routines involving SPF protection, antioxidants and skin-repairing ingredients like retinoids are growing more popular.

Furthermore, there’s an increasing trend of people seeking professional aesthetic treatments to reverse sun damage. Microneedling, chemical peels and laser treatments are gaining popularity as they can effectively address hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone and texture, and other signs of photoaging.

However, it’s important to note that while the love for a sun-kissed glow is declining, it hasn’t disappeared completely. The market for self-tanning products is still thriving, suggesting that the allure of a tan still holds sway over a considerable population. Also, the emergence of products offering a tan while also incorporating skin-nourishing ingredients demonstrates an effort to reconcile the desire for a tan with the emphasis on skin health.

In conclusion, the UK’s perspective on sun tanning has evolved remarkably over the years. With the current focus on skin health and natural beauty, it will be interesting to see how these trends continue to shape attitudes towards sun tanning in the future. As we celebrate all skin types and colours, let’s remember – the healthiest tan is the one you don’t have, and the best accessory you can wear is SPF!