lip fillers

The Aftermath: What Happens When You Stop Using Dermal Fillers

If you’ve been in the realm of aesthetic treatments, chances are you’ve heard about dermal fillers – injections aimed at softening wrinkles and adding volume to ageing skin.

But what ensues when you decide to bid farewell to these anti-ageing concoctions? Do your features sag dramatically, or does your skin revert to its pre-filler glory? Let’s take a look!

First, it’s important to really understand what dermal fillers are.

Most popular ones like hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers aren’t permanent; they’re reabsorbed into your body over time. This absorption process generally takes between 6 to 18 months, depending on factors such as filler type, treated area, and individual metabolism.

Therefore, when you stop using fillers, you won’t witness an immediate stark change. Instead, the results will gradually fade as the filler material diminishes.

During this period, your skin might seem less plump, and the wrinkles or folds may return. However, contrary to popular belief, stopping fillers won’t make your skin sag or exacerbate wrinkles. Your face won’t “deflate” overnight or transform into a version older than it was pre-treatment.

What you see is essentially the natural ageing process that would have occurred if you had never used fillers. Interestingly, research suggests that HA fillers could stimulate your body’s collagen production. Collagen is the protein that provides skin with elasticity and strength.

As we age, collagen production slows, leading to sagging and wrinkles. Therefore, it’s plausible that your skin may look somewhat better post-fillers than if you had never had them, thanks to this potential collagen-boosting effect.

By having fillers, it may want to make you take better care of your skin. Regular filler users often adopt more extensive skincare routines and make healthier lifestyle choices to maintain their results. Hence, your skin might be in better condition after stopping fillers if you keep up these good habits.

The key to navigating the post-filler world is adjusting your expectations and embracing the ageing process. Remember, fillers are a tool for enhancing your natural beauty, not a permanent solution to halt the ageing process. Stopping their use simply means you’re opting to age naturally, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

It’s always recommended to discuss your aesthetic treatment decisions with a trusted dermatologist. They can provide guidance on how to manage the transition and potentially suggest alternative treatments like peels, lasers, or creams that align better with your current beauty ethos.

To conclude, stopping dermal fillers won’t lead to a drastic cosmetic catastrophe. Rather, it marks the start of a natural ageing journey, allowing your skin’s inherent charm to shine through. It’s all about balance and finding the beauty routine that suits you best, filler or no filler. So, embrace your skin, love its quirks, and celebrate the uniqueness that is you.

Dermal Fillers 101: What You Need to Know Before Your Appointment

Dermal fillers have become increasingly popular for their ability to rejuvenate the skin and enhance facial features. If you’re considering getting fillers, it’s important to be well-informed before your appointment. In this blog article, we’ll answer essential questions about fillers and provide key information to help you make the best decision for your needs.

What questions to ask when getting fillers?

When considering fillers, ask your practitioner the following questions:

  • What are your qualifications and experience with dermal fillers?
  • Which type of filler do you recommend for my specific concerns?
  • What are the potential risks, side effects, and complications?
  • How long will the results last, and what is the expected recovery time?
  • What is the cost of the treatment?

What are the main indications for dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are primarily used for:

  • Smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines
  • Enhancing facial volume and contour
  • Plumping thin or ageing lips
  • Improving the appearance of recessed scars
  • Reducing facial asymmetry

When would a filler be appropriate?

A filler may be appropriate when you’re seeking a non-surgical solution for addressing signs of ageing, enhancing facial features, or improving skin texture. Consult with a qualified practitioner to determine if dermal fillers are suitable for your specific concerns.

Where are aesthetic products like dermal fillers and injectables required to be registered and regulated in the UK?

Aesthetic products such as dermal fillers and other injectable products are classified as medical devices. They are required to be registered and compliant with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). The MHRA is responsible for regulating medicines, medical devices, and blood components for transfusion, ensuring their safety, quality, and effectiveness. Manufacturers and distributors must meet MHRA standards and obtain a Conformité Européenne (CE) mark before marketing these products in the UK.

What should you avoid before fillers?

Before your filler appointment, you should:

  • Avoid blood-thinning medications and supplements, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and vitamin E, for at least a week to minimise bruising.
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol for 24 hours before treatment.
  • Consult with your practitioner about any medications or medical conditions that may affect the treatment.

Did you know the facts about fillers?

  • Most dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the skin.
  • Results can last anywhere from six months to two years, depending on the type of filler and treatment area.
  • The majority of dermal filler procedures have minimal downtime, with patients typically able to resume normal activities the same day.

What are the contraindications for dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers may be contraindicated for individuals with:

  • Active skin infections or inflammation in the treatment area
  • A history of severe allergies, particularly to filler components
  • A tendency to form keloids or hypertrophic scars
  • Certain medical conditions or medications that may affect the treatment

In conclusion, being well-informed about dermal fillers, their indications, and contraindications is crucial before scheduling an appointment. Educate yourself on the essential questions to ask your practitioner and the precautions to take before the procedure to ensure a safe and satisfying experience. Remember, knowledge is power, and by thoroughly understanding the world of dermal fillers, you can confidently embark on your journey towards rejuvenated and radiant skin.

What’s the Difference Between Dermal Fillers and Botox?

Ageing can be a process we all want to hold off on! As we get older, we start to lose the elasticity in our skin, resulting in wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. This can be an unwanted change, but luckily there are several cosmetic procedures available to help keep your skin looking great and staying youthful!

The most popular treatments are Botox and fillers, both treatments will help you stay looking great, but what are the differences between the two and how do you know which ones to have?

Injectable treatments such as Botox and fillers are used to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. However, these treatments work differently.

Botox is a neuromodulator, which works by stopping the signals that prompt muscle movements, this treatment can then minimise the appearance of wrinkles caused by muscle movements, resulting in getting rid of those fine lines and wrinkles across the face.

Dermal fillers are used to add volume to the skin by replenishing areas where volume has been lost due to the ageing process or weight loss. Dermal fillers are composed of various substances, such as hyaluronic acid or collagen, and are applied to enhance lip and cheek fullness, minimise wrinkles and deep lines, and improve hollowness under the eyes.

The main differences between Botox and fillers are in the action of the product. Botox functions by relaxing the muscles that produce wrinkles, while fillers work by adding volume to the face. Botox is generally applied to the forehead, around the eyes, and between the eyebrows – but can be used in other parts of the body to help with other issues, such as migraines. Fillers are used to enhancing volume in the cheeks, lips, and under-eye area. However, both products are used simultaneously to help with the overall appearance.

One main difference between Botox and fillers is the length of time the results last. Botox typically maintains its effects for three to four months, whereas fillers can last for up to two years, depending on the specific type of filler utilised and the facial area being treated. It is important to speak to a qualified practitioner when deciding between Botox or fillers.

The practitioner can then help create a treatment plan or combination of treatments to suit your needs and achieve the results you are after.

Botox and fillers can both make enhanced changes to your appearance and have various outcomes. Botox mitigates wrinkles by relaxing the related muscles, whereas fillers increase facial volume.

Look around in your local area and book a consultation with a practitioner, go through your needs and expectations and they will be able to help you with your appearance goals!

How to Achieve the Perfect Lip Shape with Dermal Fillers: A Guide to Creating Your Dream Lips

Who doesn’t want luscious lips that make heads turn? Let’s face it, your lips are the star of your face and can make or break your overall look. But if you’re not happy with their shape – whether they’re too thin, uneven, or undefined – don’t despair! Dermal fillers are here to save the day (and your pout). This non-surgical solution is all the rage for those who want the perfect lip shape, with a variety of options to choose from. So why settle for lacklustre lips when you can have the sultry, seductive ones you’ve always dreamed of? Get your pout on point with dermal fillers!

Natural Fullness
If you’re looking for a way to enhance the fullness of your lips without going overboard, dermal fillers might be the perfect solution. With just a small amount of filler, your lips can look fuller and plumper, while still maintaining a natural appearance that complements your unique features. Trust your skilled practitioner to achieve the perfect balance and deliver a result that leaves you feeling confident and beautiful.

Defined Lip Border
One of the potential benefits of dermal fillers is the ability to enhance the shape and definition of the lips. By strategically injecting filler along the border of the lips, a more distinct and sharp edge can be created, resulting in a youthful and attractive appearance. When combined with other lip enhancement techniques, this look can be further amplified.

Cupid’s Bow
Enhancing your natural beauty is something everyone wants, and there’s a way to do it without surgery. By using dermal fillers, you can achieve a more defined and prominent Cupid’s bow – that V-shaped area on your upper lip that’s considered a symbol of beauty. The process is simple: we add a filler to the centre of your upper lip, which naturally enhances the natural shape of your Cupid’s bow.

Enhanced Philtrum
The philtrum is the vertical groove that runs from the nose to the upper lip. Dermal fillers can be used to enhance the philtrum, creating a more pronounced and defined shape. This can help to create a more defined and attractive look. Your practitioner will inject filler along the philtrum, creating a more defined shape that complements the overall shape of your lips.

Balanced Proportions
Dermal fillers can also be used to balance the proportions of your lips, correcting asymmetry and creating a more harmonious overall appearance. If you have one lip that is smaller than the other, dermal fillers can be used to add volume and create balance. Your practitioner will inject filler into the smaller lip, creating a more symmetrical and proportionate look.

If you’re thinking about enhancing your lips with dermal fillers, it’s always a good idea to chat with a qualified expert! They’ll give you the lowdown on what approach will work best for your face, so you can get that perfect pout you’ve been dreaming of. Plus, they’ll work with you to make a personalised plan that addresses your specific goals and concerns.

In conclusion, there are several different lip shapes that can be achieved with dermal fillers. From natural fullness to defined borders and enhanced philtrum, there is a lip shape to suit every preference. It is important to work with an experienced and qualified practitioner who can help you achieve your desired look safely and effectively. With dermal fillers, you can achieve the perfect lip shape and feel confident and beautiful.

The Top Aesthetic Trends To Look For In 2023

With science and technology driving the development of new procedures and the discovery of innovative ingredients, there are always new solutions to having great looking skin, while providing effective management of existing skin and body concerns. 

2022 was an incredible year for aesthetic treatments, with exciting new treatments including Saxender and The Perfect Peel topping the list of my patient’s favourites.

To whet your appetite for 2023, we take a look at some of the aesthetic trends we might be able to look forward to in 2023. Read on to find out more!

aesthetic trends

Exosomes For Skin And Hair

Exosomes are a next generation subdermal treatment which is based on stem cell therapy. Stem cell therapy is centred around triggering more effective processes within existing cells. Exosomes are naturally released from cells, and help communicate genetic information, growth factors and proteins, while activating cells to work more efficiently.

Providing powerful skin regeneration, Exosomes have the power to repair damaged and scarred skin, as well as improve the appearance of wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and inflammation. And with anti-inflammatory effects, it is also highly effective as a treatment for eczema, rosacea, dermatitis, and psoriasis.

Exosome therapy can also be used to improve thinning hair and other scalp conditions. This is super impressive scientific breakthrough stuff in the worlds of regenerative, restorative and aesthetic medicine. Watch this space! 


In recent years, the holy grail of skin therapy is how to activate collagen production within the body. Several physical treatments are able to do this such as laser treatments or chemical peels but Lanluma is a brand new formulation which promises a highly effective boost from your own natural collagen process.

An injectable poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) collagen stimulant, Lanluma increases fullness and adds volume to both the face and very excitingly the body too, providing plumping and firming plus indigenous correction of deep lines or larger body divets.

Excellent for smoothing out body cellulite, finally an actual solution to this previously, seemingly insolvable phenomenon! Lanluma treatment is virtually painless, with results appearing gradually over several months and effects often lasting more than two years.


As the name implies, this trend combines nutrition and cosmetics, with ingredients based on things that are usually introduced through nutrition and food. The name is new, but the practice is ancient. Even Cleopatra would bathe in goat’s milk, the lactic acid is great for making skin firmer and plumper.

The popularity of ingredients changes as research into their efficacy for topical application grows. Vitamin C for example, is one of the current must-have ingredients, promoting healthy, radiant skin and improving skin pigmentation.

If you’re interested in nutricosmetics, try a chemical peel, as these contain various acids and vitamins designed to nourish your skin and bring out your natural glow. Talk to me today about which peel is right for you.

aesthetic trends


Everyone is unique, and we all have unique skin types, complexions, and facial features. Leading aesthetic practitioners are now focused on getting to know their client’s individual requirements and carefully designing skincare routines and suggesting treatments which are tailored to lifestyle and skin type.

Cutting edge AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools have the ability to scan faces and produce more profound insights, which can then inform treatment decisions. A skin consultation with a specialist medical professional will result in a bespoke skincare regime that is expertly designed to your skin, lifestyle, and complexion concerns. 

We certainly have plenty of new treatments to look forward to in 2023! In the meantime, why not book a consultation to find out about the treatments that are currently available, to start your 2023 with your best skin yet?

What Age Is Best To Get Dermal Filler Treatments?

Patients frequently ask when they should begin receiving injections of neuromodulators like Botox or adermal filler like Juvederm. Unfortunately, there is no “appropriate age” to begin injectables, to put it simply. Instead, you ought to start when the occasion calls for preventative maintenance.

If you want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, starting as soon as you notice them forming is a great idea. This can help delay more drastic measures like laser treatments or other invasive procedures. 

Generally speaking, starting early allows for gradual changes that look much more natural than waiting until later in life when the effects may be more pronounced.

Why Choose Dermal Fillers?

Starting an anti-ageing routine with injectable soft tissue treatments when you are young may seem pointless before seeing wrinkles, lines, folds, creases, sagging skin, and decreased volume. 

However, this may be the best time to receive dermal fillers. They can keep you looking young for as long as possible and stop those undesirable symptoms from developing in the first place.

Dermal fillers are a great option if you don’t want to start that early or if your skin has already given in to ageing. Soft tissue fillers work well as a replacement at this age because the body produces minimal collagen, and their 40s and 50s use fillers to delay the ageing process.

What Age Is Best For Dermal Fillers?

In your early twenties, you might get lip augmentation if you prefer the appearance of plumper, fuller lips. You can have cheek augmentation if you think your face is flatter than it should be and desire more structure. To improve the chin or jawline, filler injections are frequently used on younger adults.

Both men and women frequently use injections of fillers in their thirties and forties to reduce the appearance of smile lines and marionette lines. To keep a youthful appearance, the goal at this stage is to slow the process and avoid deeper wrinkles and folds. 

Dermal fillers also provide a non-invasive option that enables you to slightly alter your chin, jawline, nose, or cheeks for a more youthful appearance.

These kinds of treatments are frequently used by men and women in their fifties and older who want to restore volume and minimise the appearance of wrinkles and creases. However, the loss of collagen can give the cheeks and temples an aged, sunken appearance. 

This makes the procedure a fantastic choice for anyone seeking a refreshed appearance without the commitment and recovery time of an invasive surgical procedure.


Benefits Of Dermal Fillers

The benefits of this treatment are numerous. It can help reduce wrinkles, tighten loose skin and give the face a more lifted appearance. Results usually become visible almost immediately after treatment but can continue to improve over time as collagen production increases. 

This treatment also treats other body areas, including the neck and chest. It is also considered a safe and minimally invasive procedure that does not require any incisions or stitches. 

The results of this procedure typically last around 12-24 months, depending on your age and lifestyle habits. 

Types Of Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers come in different types. Healthcare professionals can employ fat from your body in place of “off-the-shelf” fillers that use synthetic components and substances naturally present in your body. 

Here are some of the dermal filler types you can choose from now:

Hyaluronic Acid (HA)Dermal Filler

Your skin contains hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring acid. Your skin gets volume from it, and it stays moisturised. Your body quits producing hyaluronic acid as you become older. Injections of HA typically yield results after six months.

Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHA)

The filler known as calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) is made of a material found in your bones. The effects of these fillers often persist for a year or so. Therefore, for deeper wrinkles, healthcare professionals typically employ CaHA fillers. 

Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)

Collagen and tiny balls made of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) fillers stay under your skin after being injected by your healthcare professional. Your skin has a volume from these little balls, keeping it firm. 

Dermal Filler Go With Age

Dermal filler injections can produce different results; a trained expert must be in charge of the needle. It takes skill to inject fillings. Medical aesthetics professionals can direct you to the best action when considering fillers at any age, whether for facial augmentation, anti-ageing, or both.
If you are looking for a medical practitioner, you can look for one at faces. Download the faces app, and you are set to go.

10 Treatment Trends Everyone Can Expect In 2023

With 2023 already on the horizon, the aesthetics business is embracing new trends. More people are opting for non-surgical treatment to perfect their looks. 

The aesthetics industry is growing each year. It has seen first-hand the interest and desire for newness in the field that shows no signs of slowing down. Here are some of the top treatment trends we can see in 2023.


Poly-L-Lactic Acid Fillers (PLLA)

Expected to rise beyond 2023 are PLLA fillers or  Poly-L-Lactic Acid Fillers. These fillers are set to dominate the market and trends in the new year.

PLLA fillers are bio-stimulatory fillers that restore volume to the injected area. These fillers are absorbable, semi-permanent and injectable implants that promote natural collagen formation. It builds volume in the injected area over an extended period.

More patients are moving towards a ‘natural look.’  They are adopting the ‘less is more approach. It is expected that patients will fawn over the PLLA filler movement. The gradual improvements appear over time. 

Unlike the rapid evident outcomes achieved through the use of traditional fillers. PLLA fillers act harmoniously with the body to create natural results over time. It boosts the body’s natural collagen production. Thus, making this the perfect treatment for individuals seeking a more natural look.

Cherry Lips Treatment

With lip filler trends expanding, one approach piquing patients’ attention is cherry lips. Originally famous in Korea, ‘cherry lips’ refers to the outcome of filler treatment. The desire for a natural-looking finish lets patients opt for a more natural cherry lips treatment.

With the new trend, practitioners focus on filling only the centre sections of the top and bottom lip. The cherry lips technique is designed to give volume only to the middle part of the lip. It creates a look of four cherries. It gives your lips a soft pout that doesn’t sacrifice volume or lift.

Skin Booster

As part of the trend toward a more natural approach,  patients will prioritise skin restoration before moving to facial volumization procedures. Following the 2022 skin booster boom,  skin boosters will experience an even higher surge in the upcoming year as patients step up their skincare routines.

ThermageFLX Treatment

ThermageFLX uses radio frequency to thicken skin and boost collagen. The treatment gives you a smoother, firmer, and younger-looking complexion. This new treatment is excellent for strengthening the skin. It firms and tightens skin, especially around the neck and décolletage.

You’ll experience a quick chilling sensation from the treatment. There is a deep but fleeting heat sensation and another immediate cooling sensation. The chilling feeling guards the skin’s surface. The heat sensation is effective for tightening. You get instant results from the treatment. One Thermage FLX treatment can last up to 18 months.

Laser Genesis Treatment

A laser that uses millions of tiny pulses to heat the top layer of skin gently. This reduces skin redness, tightens pores, reduces wrinkles, and improves skin tone, texture, and scar appearance. 

The Laser Genesis warms your skin. You must always wear protective glasses to prevent any harm from direct laser exposure. Following an immediate redness, which goes away in a few hours, your skin will have a lovely glow. As the body’s collagen production ramps and new skin cells reach the skin’s surface, the full results manifest in three to four weeks.

Skin Needling Treatment

Skin needling, called collagen-induction therapy, punctures the skin using a device with thin, sharp needle ends. This then stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin as part of the body’s normal response to a wound.

This treatment is ideal for skin that is starting to age, has enlarged pores, acne scars, pigmentation, or has acne scars. This treatment uses a device to generate tiny, pinpoint punctures in your skin’s outermost layers. Before the treatment, a numbing lotion is administered to the treatment region.

Clear + Brilliant Treatment

It is a mild skin-resurfacing procedure that is suitable for most skin types. To start your skin’s natural healing process, a gentle laser makes millions of minute thermal injuries to your skin. 

This prompts your skin to produce more collagen and elastin. The production of collagen and elastin replaces damaged skin with healthy, younger-looking tissue.

It is perfect for anyone who has early symptoms of ageing. Also, for those wishing to improve their general skin health. The treatment is often referred to as the “red-carpet facial.”

Hollywood Lift Treatment

The Hollywood Lift by Ultraformer uses a  high-intensity focused ultrasound technology. It is a non-invasive skin tightening and lifting procedure that targets the deeper layers of the skin with pinpoint accuracy. 

The treatment is perfect for lifting sagging eyes and eyebrows. It is best for correcting undesirable sag and contouring around the jawline area. Hollywood lift treatment erases fine lines and wrinkles.

Most clients will notice a difference right away. The skin continues to tighten over the next three months as collagen rebuilds and replenishes the skin. 

IPL Treatment (Intense Pulsed Lights)

To improve the colour and texture of your skin, non-invasive light waves harm pigment cells, which are then naturally shed by the skin. For individuals wishing for a better, brighter, younger-looking complexion, IPL is the go-to procedure! It addresses sun damage and minimises the visibility of rosacea, broken capillaries, freckles, and acne scarring.

The IPL device passes over your skin. Heating your superficial blood vessels and/or pigmentation by emitting light into the skin. To protect against harsh glare, safety goggles must be used.

Fraxel Dual Laser Treatment

A non-ablative fractionated laser called Fraxel penetrates the top layers of your skin. The hundreds of thousands of tiny columns promote collagen growth and new skin cells. The treatment is perfect for wrinkles, acne scars, and pigmented lesions. This treatment helps in achieving more transparent, healthier skin.

New Treatments For The New Year For A New You!

So there you have it, the top 10 treatment trends to expect in 2023! Some may sound a little out there, but remember – so did botox and vampire facials when they first came out! Maybe one (or all!) of these will become your new go-to. As always, be sure to consult with your physician before trying any new treatments.

You can check with faces about these treatments. Create a faces account to expect more for the new year.

Getting Lip Fillers? Here Are The Things You Need To Consider

Nowadays, you can’t go anywhere without seeing a magazine cover or television screen with pouting lips, although some appear more authentic than others. So what should you know before getting lip fillers, and how can you attain those subtle yet flawlessly plump lips? Here are the things you must consider before scheduling a lip filler session.

Is your aesthetician certified?

Choosing a certified aesthetics professional is crucial for whatever procedure you have done, but it is especially vital when a solution is injected into your body. To be sure you enjoy your practitioner’s work, look into their credentials, expertise, reviews, and lip filler before and after photos. 

Your medical practitioner must know what they are doing to your body.

What kinds of lip fillers are most popular?

Collagen used to be the main attraction of pouty lips. However, this has the drawback of being a permanent solution, which, while it may seem impressive, is not so cool if you don’t like the outcome or later decide that you don’t want them.

Nowadays, hyaluronic acid (HA) is typically used. An excellent plumping agent, HA is a naturally occurring substance in the body that can store 1,000 times its weight in water. Additionally, it’s transient and dissolvable if necessary, which is lovely in case of a complication. Hyaluronic acid lip fillers like Restylane and Juvederm are well-liked varieties. 

Are lip fillers painful?

Everyone has a different threshold for discomfort, but lip fillers are more uncomfortable than painful for many people. Due to the lips’ high level of sensitivity, professionals use a range of numbing treatments. Some people use numbing cream, while others utilise dental blocks, which are gum-numbing injections.

Consult your healthcare provider to learn more about your options. Your lips could feel puffy and uncomfortable for a few days after the lip filler procedure, but this is entirely normal.

What are the immediate side effects of lip fillers?

Your lips are susceptible, so they’ll probably feel pretty swollen and painful for the first few days following treatment. Some people only have this feeling for a day, while others may experience it for two to three days.

Because HA is injected with a needle or cannula, bruising, redness, and even pin-prick marks are all potential side effects. Additionally, the possibility of an allergic reaction exists, just like with any medication. 

Should I avoid doing anything before getting lip fillers?

Avoid taking aspirin (of course, talk to your GP or practitioner if you are taking any medicine that contains aspirin), ibuprofen, vitamin E, and fish oil supplements about a week before getting lip filler injections. These substances are natural blood thinners and may make you bruise more easily.

Paracetamol is still an option during this period. Another no-no is alcohol. Avoid drinking alcohol the night before, as this can cause bleeding and further bruising.

What can you do after getting lip fillers?

There are several things you should and shouldn’t do after receiving lip filler therapy. For instance, refrain from exercising for the first 24 hours. If it hurts, you might find that applying an ice pack to the area helps lessen the swelling. 

Also, try taking paracetamol to relieve any discomfort you may have later. Finally, get in touch with your practitioner so they can guide you if you experience any excessive or protracted bruising, blistering, or other extended reactions.

If you want lip fillers, find the perfect clinic and medical practitioner to help you. You can find a list in the faces app. So, download the faces app now!

Do Lip Fillers Hurt? Here’s What You Need To Know

Lip injections. The mere mention of the words makes some people’s ears perk up while others feel slightly anxious. There’s no doubt that when it comes to cosmetic procedures, lip fillers reign as one of the most popular – and for a good reason.

They’re affordable, relatively short, and instantly give you fuller lips. But what about the pain factor? Do lip fillers hurt? Here’s what you need to know before taking the plunge.

lip fillers

What are lip fillers, and what do they do?

Lip fillers have become increasingly popular recently, with people of all ages looking to achieve fuller, more voluptuous lips. But what exactly are lip fillers, and what do they do?

Lip fillers are a type of dermal filler that is injected into the lips to add volume and fullness. They can also improve the lips’ symmetry and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

The most common lip filler is made from hyaluronic acid, which naturally occurs in the body. This means that there is minimal risk of allergic reactions or side effects. One of the most common questions people ask about lip fillers is whether or not they hurt. 

The good news is that most people report only minimal discomfort during the procedure. This is partly because the lips are packed with nerve endings, making them more sensitive than other areas of the face. 

However, your doctor will usually apply a topical numbing cream before beginning the injection process, which helps minimise discomfort. Lip fillers are a safe and popular way to achieve fuller, more youthful-looking lips. 

If you’re interested in trying them, consult a qualified doctor or aesthetician to discuss your options.

How long does the procedure take, and how is it done?

Many people are considering getting lip fillers these days. After all, who doesn’t want to have fuller, more luscious lips? But before you take the plunge, you might wonder: how long does the procedure take, and how is it done?

Fortunately, the answer to both of those questions is relatively simple. Most lip filler procedures take less than half an hour to complete. During that time, a small needle injects the filler material into your lips. 

Of course, some people experience discomfort during the procedure, but it is generally tolerable. And once it’s over, you’ll be able to enjoy your new lips almost immediately.

do lip filler hurt

What are the risks and side effects of getting lip fillers done?

Lip fillers are a popular cosmetic treatment but are not without risks. The most common side effect is bruising, which can occur when the needle punctures the skin. Other potential side effects include swelling, redness, and pain at the injection site. 

In rare cases, lip fillers can also cause allergic reactions or infections. Despite these risks, many people feel that the benefits of lip fillers outweigh the potential dangers. 

Lip fillers can help to improve the appearance of thin or uneven lips, and they are used to correct asymmetry. With proper care, lip fillers can provide long-lasting results that help boost confidence and enhance your natural beauty.

How much do lip fillers cost?

Lip fillers are a popular cosmetic treatment that can help to give lips a fuller, more youthful appearance. But how much do lip fillers cost on average? And how long do they last?

The cost of lip fillers varies depending on the brand used, the quantity injected, and the area being treated. On average, you can expect to pay between £150 and £350 for a standard 1ml syringe of filler. However, some clinics charge as much as £600 per syringe.

The length of lip fillers depends on the type of filler used and your body’s natural metabolism. Generally speaking, most lip fillers will last for 6 to 12 months before needing to betouch-up. However, some types of filler can last up to 2 years.

Remember that lip fillers are not permanent, so you must budget for touch-ups every few months to keep your fuller lips. 

Who is a good candidate for getting lip fillers done?

Lip fillers have become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to the efforts of celebrities and social media influencers. But as with any cosmetic procedure, there are some risks involved. So who is a good candidate for getting lip fillers? And who should avoid them altogether?

Generally speaking, lip fillers are safe for most people. However, there are a few groups of people who should avoid them. These include pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and people with allergies or sensitivities to the ingredients in the filler. 

If you have any concerns, it’s always best to consult a doctor before proceeding. As for pain, most people report only mild discomfort during the procedure. However, everyone’s pain tolerance is different, so it’s difficult to say how much pain you’ll experience. 

If you’re worried about pain, ask your doctor about numbing options before injecting the filler.

Ultimately, whether or not lip fillers are right for you is a personal decision. Be sure to research and consult a doctor before making any decisions.


Achieve Fuller Lips Now!

Lip fillers help you achieve fuller, more youthful-looking lips. The procedure is relatively quick and easy, with minimal risks and side effects. However, lip fillers typically last for several months, and the cost of the procedure varies depending on the type of filler used and the number of syringes required. 

Good candidates for lip fillers are generally healthy adults who have realistic expectations about what the procedure can achieve. If you’re considering getting lip fillers, consult a board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist to discuss your options. And if you need help finding a qualified provider in your area, download the faces app today!