
Faces | Exploring Effective Aesthetic Treatments for Acne

Acne can be a source of considerable distress, impacting not only skin health but also self-esteem. However, advancements in aesthetic medicine provide a wide range of effective treatments to combat acne. Let’s delve into some of these transformative aesthetic treatments:

Chemical Peels
Chemical peels are potent tools in the arsenal against acne. These treatments utilise acids to exfoliate the outer layer of the skin, unclogging pores and reducing inflammation. Depending on the severity of the acne, different strengths of peels are available, ranging from mild, such as salicylic or glycolic acid peels, to more robust options like trichloroacetic acid peels.

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive treatment that exfoliates the skin using tiny crystals. By removing the topmost layer of skin, it promotes new cell growth, unclogs pores, and aids in the absorption of topical acne treatments.

Laser and Light Treatments
Laser and light treatments can significantly reduce both active acne and scarring. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy targets the deeper layers of skin without affecting the top layer, reducing inflammation and destroying the bacteria that cause acne. Meanwhile, laser treatments like Fraxel can resurface the skin and promote collagen production, helping to reduce the appearance of acne scars.

Microneedling involves using tiny needles to puncture the skin, triggering the body’s healing response and stimulating collagen and elastin production. This can reduce the appearance of acne scars over time. When combined with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, it can accelerate healing and further enhance results.

Injectable Treatments
Certain injectable treatments can also be used to treat acne scars. Hyaluronic acid fillers can be injected into the skin to plump up pitted acne scars, providing immediate results. Meanwhile, corticosteroid injections can be used to reduce inflammation and flatten raised scars, known as hypertrophic or keloid scars.

Medical-Grade Skincare
In conjunction with in-clinic treatments, medical-grade skincare products can enhance results. These products, often containing active ingredients such as retinol, salicylic acid, or benzoyl peroxide, can reduce acne inflammation, unclog pores, and promote skin cell turnover. A professional aesthetician can tailor a skincare regimen to suit individual skin types and acne severity.

A Personalised Approach
The most effective approach to treating acne often involves a combination of treatments tailored to the individual’s skin type, acne severity, and personal preferences. This should be guided by a professional aesthetician or dermatologist who can assess the skin and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.

While these aesthetic treatments can significantly improve acne, they’re not standalone solutions. They should be part of a comprehensive acne management plan, which may include lifestyle changes and possibly medical treatments. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider to explore the best options for your skin.

In conclusion, advancements in aesthetic medicine provide effective solutions for those battling acne. By opting for professional aesthetic treatments, individuals can greatly improve their skin health and confidence. After all, everyone deserves to feel comfortable and beautiful in their own skin.

Clear Skin Ahead: How to Treat and Prevent Acne with Proper Skincare

Acne, a prevalent skin issue impacting countless individuals globally, can lead to both physical discomfort and diminished self-confidence. Thankfully, by dedicating time and effort to an appropriate skincare regimen, you can both address and avert acne flare-ups.

We’re here to provide you with expert advice and methods to assist you in achieving and maintaining radiant, blemish-free skin.

Cleanse Your Skin Gently

Cleansing your skin is one of the most important daily routines you need to do, to help keep your skin clear of dirt – doing this will help reduce the acne, try to reduce the amount of make-up you wear, as make-up will block and clog the pour leading to further acne.

Try to avoid harsh scrubs and soap that will aggravate the skin and bring out more breakouts. Best to use gentle cleansers with ingredients like salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or benzoyl peroxide. These ingredients will help stop further acne and unblock pores. Do this twice daily to see a difference – when you wake up and before you go to bed.

Moisturise Daily

Individuals with acne-prone skin often avoid moisturisers, worried that they might increase oiliness. However, applying a light, oil-free moisturiser can assist in regulating your skin’s oil production and prevent excessive drying, which could lead to increased oil production and acne.

Search for non-comedogenic moisturisers, designed to prevent pore-clogging. Components such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and niacinamide offer hydration without triggering breakouts.

Use Acne Treatments Consistently

Non-prescription acne treatments can be useful for managing mild to moderate acne. Search for products with ingredients like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), which aid in skin exfoliation, pore unclogging, and inflammation reduction.

Maintain consistency in using your acne treatments by applying them daily as instructed. Be patient, as it might take a few weeks to see significant changes.

For more severe acne, consult a dermatologist for prescription treatments or additional guidance.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun
Too much sun exposure is one the worst things for acne, it can lead to scarring and dark spots. Try to keep out the sun as much as possible. However, to help protect the area make sure you wear oil-free sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50.

Use sunscreen daily even if the sun is not out, this will protect your skin even more from harmful UV rays. Try to reapply even after 2 hours for maximum effect. Try to use a mineral-based sunscreen with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, these ingredients will help your skin and cause less irritation to the acne.

Avoid Touching Your Face

Touching your face can transfer dirt, bacteria, and oils from your hands to your skin, potentially clogging pores and leading to breakouts.

Try to stop picking, popping, or squeezing spots, as this can cause scarring and infection. If you find it hard to avoid touching your face, consider using a fidget toy or stress ball to keep your hands away from your face.

Manage Stress

Stress can greatly affect your skin, causing hormonal imbalances that may result in acne breakouts. Use stress-reduction methods in your everyday routine, like deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, or consistent physical activity.

Ensuring you get enough sleep and having a balanced diet can also contribute to healthier, clearer skin.

Speak with a Dermatologist

In case your acne continues despite your diligent efforts, seek advice from a dermatologist for expert assistance. A dermatologist can assess your skin and suggest suitable treatments like prescription medications, chemical peels, or laser therapy.

Consistency, patience, and dedication to proper skin care are essential for treating and preventing acne.

By sticking to these expert tips and advice, you can keep and preserve a clearer, healthier complexion. Keep in mind everyone has unique skin, and a solution that works for one person may not work for another.

Feel free to try various products and methods to discover the best products and treatments for your skin’s requirements.

The main point is gentle cleansing, daily moisturising, consistent use of acne treatments, keeping your skin from the sun, refraining from touching your face, handling stress, and seeking expert assistance when necessary, you can gain control over your acne and embrace a more confident, glowing complexion.

Decoding the Mysteries of Aesthetic Clinics: Med Spas, Dermatology Centres, and Beyond!

Have you had enough of searching for the top aesthetic clinics to meet your distinct beauty needs? Search no more! In this exclusive guide, we will explore the diverse types of aesthetic clinics, from Med Spas to Dermatology Centres, and everything else in between. So, fasten your seatbelt and get ready for a transformative adventure through the realm of aesthetic clinics!

Med Spas: The Pinnacle of Relaxation

Med Spas, also known as Medical Spas, seamlessly blend relaxation and rejuvenation. These opulent facilities offer an extensive array of non-surgical cosmetic treatments, all under the watchful eye of a licensed healthcare professional. Wave goodbye to your skin concerns with ground-breaking treatments like Botox, laser hair removal, and chemical peels. Med Spas are crafted to pamper you whilst ensuring you receive the utmost quality of care.

Dermatology Centres: Your Skin Specialists at Your Service

Dermatology Centres serve as a refuge for those in search of specialised skin care. Boasting board-certified dermatologists and cutting-edge technology, these clinics deliver the ultimate skincare experience. Whether you’re battling acne, eczema, or other skin issues, Dermatology Centres provide customised treatment plans to help you attain a glowing, healthy complexion.

Cosmetic Surgery Clinics: Transforming Your Aspirations

Seeking a more dramatic transformation? Cosmetic Surgery Clinics have the solution. These clinics are manned by skilled plastic surgeons who specialise in surgical procedures such as rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, and liposuction. Their expertise and advanced surgical methods enable Cosmetic Surgery Clinics to assist you in confidently achieving your ideal appearance.

Laser Clinics: The Vanguard of Beauty Technology

Laser Clinics lead the way in non-invasive cosmetic treatments, utilising state-of-the-art laser technology to produce remarkable results. Whether your goal is to eliminate unwanted hair, address sun damage, or minimise the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles, Laser Clinics have got you covered. The cherry on top? These treatments demand minimal to no downtime, allowing you to promptly return to your daily activities!

Holistic Aesthetic Clinics: Cultivating Inner and Outer Beauty

For those who appreciate a more natural approach to beauty, Holistic Aesthetic Clinics present the perfect solution. These clinics focus on caring for the person in their entirety, rather than merely tackling symptoms. By merging conventional aesthetic treatments with alternative therapies like acupuncture, Ayurveda, and herbal remedies, Holistic Aesthetic Clinics provide a unique and invigorating experience.

Equipped with a comprehensive understanding of the myriad types of aesthetic clinics available, you are now well-prepared to take a bold step forward in pursuit of your beauty aspirations! Regardless of your unique preferences or specific concerns, rest assured that there is a clinic tailor-made to cater to your individual needs. With expert professionals, cutting-edge technology, and an array of treatments at your disposal, the possibilities for enhancing your appearance are virtually endless.

As you explore the world of aesthetic clinics, remember to keep an open mind and consider all the options available to you. Each clinic has its own unique approach, specialities, and atmosphere, and it’s crucial to find the one that aligns best with your personal goals and values. Whether you’re seeking a subtle enhancement or a more dramatic transformation, you deserve to feel confident and beautiful in your own skin.

By taking advantage of the expertise and innovative treatments offered by aesthetic clinics, you will not only enhance your physical appearance but also boost your self-esteem and overall well-being. So, don’t wait another moment—begin your journey towards uncovering the most radiant, confident version of you today!

Aesthetic Clinics and Acne Treatment: From Topical Solutions to Laser Therapy

Acne is a common skin condition that affects people of all ages and can cause physical and emotional distress. Although many over-the-counter treatments are available, some cases require professional intervention. Aesthetic clinics offer a wide range of acne treatment options, from topical solutions to advanced laser therapies. In this comprehensive blog, we will discuss the various acne treatments available at aesthetic clinics, how they work, and how to choose the best option for your skin type.

Understanding Acne

Before diving into acne treatments, it’s crucial to understand the causes and types of acne. Acne occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. The four primary factors contributing to acne development are:

  • Excess oil production
  • Clogged hair follicles
  • Bacterial overgrowth
  • Inflammation

There are different types of acne, including:

  • Whiteheads
  • Blackheads
  • Papules
  • Pustules
  • Nodules
  • Cysts

Topical Solutions

Topical solutions are the first line of treatment for mild to moderate acne. These treatments may include:

  • Salicylic Acid: A popular over-the-counter ingredient, salicylic acid exfoliates the skin, unclogs pores, and reduces inflammation. It is available in various strengths and forms, such as cleansers, lotions, and spot treatments.
  • Benzoyl Peroxide: This antibacterial agent is effective against acne-causing bacteria and helps reduce inflammation. It is available in different concentrations and may cause skin dryness and irritation in some individuals.
  • Retinoids: Derived from vitamin A, retinoids help unclog pores and reduce inflammation. They are available in prescription-strength formulations (such as tretinoin) and over-the-counter options (like adapalene).
  • Topical Antibiotics: These medications help reduce bacterial growth on the skin and may be combined with other treatments to enhance their effectiveness.
  • Azelaic Acid: A natural acid found in grains, azelaic acid helps unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and combat bacteria. It is available in prescription-strength creams and gels.

Oral Medications

For moderate to severe acne or acne that doesn’t respond to topical treatments, oral medications may be prescribed:

  • Antibiotics: Oral antibiotics help reduce bacteria and inflammation. They are typically prescribed for a short period to minimise the risk of antibiotic resistance.
  • Oral Contraceptives: Certain types of birth control pills can assist in managing hormone levels and minimising acne, especially in women. Their efficacy stems from their ability to reduce androgen production, which is associated with increased oil production.
  • Anti-Androgen Medications: These medications work to lower androgen levels in the body, helping to control oil production and address acne. They are often prescribed for women dealing with hormonal acne.
  • Isotretinoin: This powerful oral medication, originating from vitamin A, is used to treat severe, cystic acne that has not improved with other treatments. It functions by decreasing oil production, inflammation, and bacterial growth. However, it has notable side effects and necessitates rigorous medical supervision during its administration.

In-Clinic Procedures

Aesthetic clinics provide a range of in-office treatments to address more persistent or severe acne cases. These interventions include:

  • Chemical Peels: In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, exfoliating outer layers and unclogging pores. This can help diminish acne scars’ visibility and enhance skin texture.
  • Microdermabrasion: This non-invasive technique involves using tiny crystals or a diamond-tipped instrument to exfoliate the skin’s surface, unclog pores, and stimulate new skin cell growth.
  • Microneedling: During this procedure, a device equipped with fine needles creates minuscule punctures in the skin, promoting collagen production and helping to reduce the appearance of acne scars.
  • Light and Laser Therapies: These methods utilise light and laser energy to target acne-causing bacteria, alleviate inflammation, and promote skin healing. Some well-known approaches include blue light therapy, intense pulsed light (IPL), and fractional laser therapy.

Finding the Ideal Treatment

Determining the most suitable acne treatment relies on several factors, including the nature and intensity of your acne, your skin type, and your medical background. It is crucial to consult with a dermatologist or a professional at an aesthetic clinic to address your concerns and develop a customised treatment strategy.


Aesthetic clinics offer a wide range of acne treatment options to suit different needs and preferences. From topical solutions and oral medications to in-clinic procedures and laser therapies, there are various ways to tackle acne effectively. Remember that every individual’s skin is unique, and it may take some trial and error to find the best treatment for your specific needs. By consulting with a professional, you can create a tailored plan that helps you achieve clear and healthy skin.

Acne Scarring: Crucial Facts You Need To Know Right Now

As a medical professional and someone who has suffered from acne, I know how distressing having acne can be. And so often, acne is also a double whammy. No sooner have you cured the acne itself; the acne scarring then won’t go away on its own. It can feel very unfair and impact how you feel. But there are ways of treating both acne and acne scarring.

In this blog, we look at the different types of acne and acne scars and how to prevent and treat both conditions to improve skin tone and minimise the risk of problems in the future.  

Types Of Acne 

There are several types of acne, from mild acne in the form of black or whiteheads to inflamed cystic acne, which causes painful pus-filled bumps. All acne can cause distress and a severe knock to self-esteem, and most types of acne can lead to scarring. 

However, cystic acne is usually the cause of the worst acne scars; picking or squeezing is the biggest culprit. Speaking to a medical professional about the proper treatment for your acne while it is active can help prevent scarring. Still, acne scars can also be successfully treated with the right approach.

Types Of Acne Scars And Treatments

Atrophic Scars

Atrophic scars form because the skin cannot create new tissue, leaving shallow skin indentations. There are several types of atrophic scars, including boxcar scars with sharply defined edges, ice pick scars which are wider at the skin’s surface and narrow the deeper they get into the skin, and rolling scars that are caused by bands of scar tissue under the skin. 

The best treatment for atrophic scars depends on the type of scarring you have. But the first line of treatment will always be to try and smooth out the surface of the skin. Some of the treatments I might suggest include:

  • Microneedling – to cause injury to the skin and improve the texture and tone
  • Laser therapy – to remove the outer layer of skin and stimulate the body’s collagen response
  • Chemical peels – to slough off the top layer of skin and reveal fresh, smooth skin below

Hypertrophic Scars And Keloids

For better wound healing and reduced scarring, collagen is usually our friend. But sometimes, the body makes too much collagen, resulting in hypertrophic scars and keloids. Hypertrophic scars are thickened areas of skin which appear at the site of an injury; keloid scars are raised skin growths with about 20 times more collagen than common areas of skin. 

Both keloid and hypertrophic scars are triggered by injury or trauma and are best treated with laser therapy. Both ablative and non-ablative laser therapy can be used, and I recommend Fraxel®, which treats both the surface of the skin and the deeper layers.

Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) 

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, known as macular scarring by medical professionals, is where there are changes to the colour of the skin following injury or trauma. For example, after being damaged by acne, the skin can develop flat red, pink or brown spots caused by the body producing excess melanin in response to inflammation.

The best treatments for PIH are any which resurface the skin. This might include:

  • Chemical peels – to remove the top layer of skin and reveal undamaged skin below.
  • Laser therapy – I highly recommend Halo BBL laser, which stimulates the growth of new healthy skin cells.
  • Microneedling – to stimulate the production of collagen and fade dark spots.
  • Medical-grade skincare products – including prescription-strength retinol- can lighten the skin and reduce the appearance of PIH.

All skin is different, and it’s essential to get specialist advice about your acne and scarring to ensure the proper treatment for your condition, as it can be complex. You don’t have to live with acne or scarring.

Find a medical practitioner that can help you with the treatment for acne scarring. They will consult you to find the best skin acne treatment.