TriPollar Aftercare Form

TriPollar treatments use radiofrequency technology to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin. To optimise results and promote effective recovery, please follow these post-treatment care recommendations.

Immediate Aftercare (First 24 Hours):

  1. Skin Sensation: It's normal to experience a warm sensation or mild redness in the treated area. This should subside within a few hours.

  2. Hydration: Drink plenty of water to support the lymphatic drainage process.

  3. Avoid Heat: Refrain from activities that may increase skin temperature, such as saunas, hot showers, or intense exercise for the first 24 hours.

  4. Skincare: Apply a soothing moisturiser to the treated area if desired. Avoid using skincare products with active ingredients like retinol or acids immediately after treatment.

Continued Care (First Week):

  1. Sun Protection: Protect the treated area from direct sun exposure. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher when going outside.

  2. Gentle Skincare: Use mild cleansers and moisturisers. Delay the use of exfoliating products or tools for at least 48 hours after treatment.

  3. Lymphatic Stimulation: Gentle massage or manual lymphatic drainage can be beneficial in some cases, but consult your practitioner for guidance.

Potential Issues to Monitor:

  1. Prolonged Redness or Swelling: While some mild redness or warmth is expected, consult your practitioner if it persists beyond 48 hours.

  2. Blisters or Burns: Although rare, if you notice blistering or signs of a burn, contact your practitioner immediately.

  3. Unusual Reactions: Any unexpected skin reactions or discomfort should be reported to the practitioner.

Follow-Up Appointments:
It's crucial to attend any scheduled post-treatment appointments with your provider to monitor progress and ensure the treatment's effectiveness.

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