SmoothShapes Aftercare Form

SmoothShapes utilises combined laser and dynamic light energy with mechanical manipulation (massage and vacuum) to reduce the appearance of cellulite. By adhering to the following aftercare instructions, you can achieve and maintain the best results from your treatment.

Immediate Aftercare (First 24-48 Hours):

  1. Hydration: Drink ample water to aid in flushing out toxins and metabolised fat from the body, promoting the treatment's effects.

  2. Comfort: It's normal to experience a mild warm sensation or slight redness in the treated area. These symptoms should subside within a few hours.

  3. Moisturise: Keep the treated area moisturised with a good quality lotion or cream.

  4. Avoid Heat: Refrain from taking extremely hot baths, saunas, or engaging in intense physical activity that induces excessive sweating.

Continued Care (Days 3 and Beyond):

  1. Physical Activity: Engage in regular physical activity, such as walking, to stimulate circulation and assist the lymphatic system in removing toxins.

  2. Healthy Diet: Complement the treatment's effects by maintaining a balanced diet. Avoid excessive caffeine, alcohol, and high-sugar foods.

  3. Massage: Gentle massage on the treated area can promote circulation and may enhance the treatment results.

  4. Sun Protection: While not directly impacted by the treatment, always protect your skin from excessive sun exposure to maintain its health and appearance.

Potential Issues to Monitor:

  1. Prolonged Redness or Swelling: While some immediate post-treatment redness is normal, if it persists for more than 48 hours, contact your practitioner.

  2. Discomfort: Any pain or discomfort that seems unusual or excessive should be reported to the clinic.

Follow-Up Appointments:
Consistent treatment sessions and follow-ups are vital for the best results. Attend all scheduled appointments and discuss any concerns or questions with your practitioner.

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