PMU Aftercare Form

A PMU (Permanent Makeup) Aftercare Form is a vital document provided to clients after undergoing a permanent makeup procedure. This form contains essential information, guidelines, and recommendations on post-treatment skincare to ensure optimal results while minimising the risk of complications or adverse effects. By offering a comprehensive guide on caring for the treated area, clients can navigate the healing process with confidence and achieve the desired outcomes.

The PMU Aftercare Form covers various aspects of post-procedure care, such as immediate steps to take, cleansing and moisturising routines, activities to avoid, and signs of infection or complications. Additionally, it guides on when to resume using makeup and skincare products, scheduling touch-up appointments, and maintaining long-term results. 

It is crucial for clients to follow the PMU aftercare instructions provided by their permanent makeup artist, as these guidelines have been tailored to their specific treatment and skin type. Proper aftercare not only helps to prevent complications but also significantly impacts the longevity and appearance of the permanent makeup. By adhering to these recommendations, clients can enjoy the full benefits of their treatment and maintain their desired look for an extended period.

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