JeNu Aftercare Form

The JeNu Ultrasonic Infuser is an advanced tool used to boost the efficacy of skincare products by enhancing their absorption. For optimal results and to ensure skin safety, following the recommended aftercare guidelines is crucial.

Immediate Aftercare:
After using the JeNu Infuser, you may notice a temporary increase in skin warmth or mild redness, which should subside shortly. It's essential to avoid using products that may irritate the skin immediately after using the device, such as those with high concentrations of acids or retinoids. Keep your face clean and free from heavy makeup for a few hours post-use, allowing the skincare products to be fully absorbed.

Continued Care & Monitoring:
To maintain skin health, ensure the JeNu device is cleaned as per manufacturer instructions after each use. Monitor your skin for any signs of adverse reactions or prolonged irritation. If such symptoms are observed, discontinue use and consult a dermatologist. For optimal results, use the device as frequently as recommended by the manufacturer or your skincare professional, and always pair with quality skincare products that suit your skin type.

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