Hand Rejuvenation Aftercare Form

Hand rejuvenation treatments aim to restore a more youthful appearance to the hands by targeting wrinkles, volume loss, and age spots. Whether using fillers, lasers, or other modalities, aftercare is essential to achieve the best outcomes, reduce discomfort, and prevent potential complications.

Immediate Aftercare (First 48 Hours):
After your hand rejuvenation treatment, it's common to experience mild swelling, redness, or sensitivity in the treated areas. If dermal fillers were used, avoid any firm pressure or massage to the hands to prevent product displacement. Use a cold compress intermittently to help alleviate swelling. If lasers or chemical peels were used, keep the hands moisturised with a gentle ointment recommended by your practitioner and avoid direct sunlight. Refrain from any vigorous activities that may strain the hands, and use a gentle, fragrance-free soap for washing. If any dressings or bandages were applied, follow the given instructions regarding their care.

Long-Term Care & Monitoring:
For at least a week after treatment, ensure the hands are protected from direct sun exposure by using a broad-spectrum sunscreen or wearing gloves when outdoors. This is especially crucial if the treatment involved addressing pigmentation issues. Regularly moisturise the hands to maintain hydration and aid the healing process. As the hands heal, refrain from using any harsh or exfoliating products on them. Attend any scheduled follow-up appointments to monitor the treatment results. Any signs of prolonged swelling, persistent pain, unusual lumps, or signs of infection should be reported to your treatment provider immediately.

This is a general overview. The specifics of aftercare can vary based on the exact hand rejuvenation method employed, the individual's skin type, and any unique considerations or potential complications. Always follow the precise guidelines provided by the healthcare or treatment professional.

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