FasciaBlaster Aftercare Form

The FasciaBlaster is a tool designed to massage and manipulate fascial tissues, potentially improving the appearance of cellulite, reducing pain, and increasing blood flow. Proper aftercare can optimise the benefits and mitigate potential side effects.

Immediate Aftercare:
Post-treatment, it's not uncommon to experience temporary redness, bruising, or soreness in the treated areas. To soothe the skin, apply a cold compress as needed. It's advised to hydrate well, aiding the body in flushing out toxins and metabolic waste. Avoid strenuous exercises or activities that might further strain or inflame the treated areas for 24-48 hours.

Long-Term Care & Monitoring:
For optimal results, consistency in using the FasciaBlaster, as per recommended guidelines, is key. Always ensure you're using the tool on warm muscles, preferably after a hot shower or light warm-up. Gentle stretching can further assist in keeping the fascia pliable. Monitor your skin for any prolonged irritation, swelling, or unusual reactions and discontinue use if any adverse symptoms persist, consulting a healthcare professional if necessary.

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