Enlighten Laser Aftercare Form

The Enlighten Laser procedure aims to address tattoos and pigmented lesions using advanced picosecond technology. As with any laser treatment, post-procedure care is vital for optimal results and patient comfort.

Immediate Aftercare (First 24-48 Hours):

  1. Cooling: Mild swelling and redness are common. Apply cold compresses intermittently (20 minutes on, then 20 minutes off) to alleviate discomfort and reduce inflammation.

  2. Hydration: Drink ample water, which aids in the healing process.

  3. Protective Dressing: If a dressing was applied post-treatment, keep it intact and dry for at least 24 hours or as directed by your practitioner.

  4. Cleanliness: Gently clean the treated area with lukewarm water and mild soap. Pat dry gently without rubbing.

  5. Moisturise: Apply any prescribed ointment or a gentle moisturiser to prevent the skin from drying out.

Continued Care (Days 3 and Beyond):

  1. Sun Protection: Protect the treated area from direct sunlight. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) if exposed. Sun exposure can lead to darkening (hyperpigmentation) of the treated area.

  2. Avoid Scratching: It's normal for the area to itch as it heals. Refrain from scratching as it can cause scarring.

  3. No Swimming: Avoid pools, hot tubs, and saltwater until the skin fully heals to prevent potential infections.

  4. Skincare: Continue to moisturise and clean the area gently. Avoid using abrasive or exfoliating products on the treated site for at least two weeks.

Potential Complications to Monitor:

  1. Signs of Infection: If you notice increased redness, warmth, pus, or if the pain intensifies instead of decreasing, contact your practitioner.

  2. Blistering: Some blistering is normal after laser tattoo removal but should be reported to ensure proper care is given.

  3. Hyperpigmentation: If the treated area appears darker, inform your practitioner during your follow-up visit.

Follow-Up Appointments:
Attend all scheduled post-treatment appointments for assessment, subsequent sessions, and to address any concerns promptly.

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