Clitoral Hood Reduction Aftercare Form

Clitoral hood reduction is a surgical procedure aimed at refining the size and appearance of the clitoral hood for aesthetic or functional reasons. Adhering to post-operative guidelines is paramount for a smooth recovery and to avoid potential complications.

Immediate Aftercare:
Following the procedure, patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort in the treated area. Any prescribed pain relief or antibiotics should be taken as directed. To assist with healing, keep the surgical area clean and dry, using any antiseptic solutions or creams as advised. Refrain from using tampons, engaging in sexual activities, or performing strenuous exercises for the duration recommended by your surgeon, typically several weeks. It's also advisable to wear loose-fitting underwear and clothing to minimise friction.

Long-Term Care & Monitoring:
As the healing process continues, it's essential to monitor the surgical area for signs of prolonged swelling, unusual discharge, or signs of infection, such as increased redness or warmth. Avoid douching and using harsh or fragranced products in the genital area. Regular follow-up appointments should be attended to allow your surgeon to assess the healing process. Any concerns or complications should be promptly communicated to your healthcare provider.

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