Client Assurance

Boost Your Aesthetic Practice by Getting Faces Verified

In the dynamic aesthetics industry, differentiation and client trust are key. Faces Verified offers a straightforward yet impactful way for practitioners to stand out. This verification process, centered around a simple requirement—uploading valid insurance—underscores a commitment to excellence and client safety. Let’s delve into what Faces Verified means and how it streamlines the path to building a reputable practice.

Understanding Faces Verified

Faces Verified acts as a trust mark in the aesthetics field, signifying a practitioner’s dedication to the highest standards of safety and professionalism. The process is uniquely streamlined, focusing on the essential step of providing valid insurance, ensuring practitioners are fully prepared to offer aesthetic treatments.

Key Advantage of Being Faces Verified

Enhanced Client Confidence: Achieving Faces Verified status instantly boosts client confidence, showcasing a practitioner’s commitment to safety and high-quality standards.

Known Industry Standard: Being recognised as Faces Verified is a badge to show professionalism and is known to over 100k professionals and 5 million customers within the industry.

Steps to Get Faces Verified

Sign Up with Faces Consent: Begin by registering with Faces, either through the Faces Consent app or on their website. This step involves submitting basic professional details.

Upload Your Valid Insurance: The key requirement for Faces Verified status is to upload proof of your valid insurance. This simple yet crucial step verifies your professionalism and commitment to client safety.

Once we have validated your insurance we will provide your Profile, Website and booking system the Professional badge and standard. 

Take Your Practice to the Next Level with Faces Verified

Ready to distinguish your aesthetic practice and build unparalleled trust with your clients? Start your journey to becoming Faces Verified today. It’s more than just a badge; it’s your commitment to excellence and safety in the dynamic world of aesthetics. 

Click here to start and upload your valid insurance. Elevate your professional standing and offer your clients the confidence they deserve. Become Faces Verified now—because your dedication to quality and safety should be recognised and rewarded.

Stand Out on Faces: The Impact of Being Faces Verified

In the world of aesthetic treatments, standing out for the right reasons is crucial. With over 5 million potential customers visiting the Faces booking platform annually to book treatments, becoming Faces Verified offers an unparalleled opportunity to elevate your practice. 

This verification not only serves as a badge of professionalism and patient safety but also significantly enhances your visibility to prospective clients. Let’s explore how Faces Verified can transform your practice by showcasing your commitment to excellence and safety.

The Power of the Faces Verified Badge

Faces Verified acts as a beacon of trust and professionalism in the aesthetic industry. By achieving this status, you gain the right to display the Faces Verified badge on the Faces booking platform—a feature that directly appeals to the millions of potential clients browsing the platform each year. This badge is not just a symbol; it’s a powerful tool that communicates your adherence to the highest standards of patient care and safety.

Why Stand Out with Faces Verified?

Enhanced Visibility: With your Faces Verified badge displayed on the booking platform, your practice becomes instantly more visible to a vast audience of potential clients actively seeking aesthetic treatments.

Builds Trust: In an industry where trust is paramount, the Faces Verified badge assures clients of your commitment to professionalism and safety, making them more likely to choose your services over others.

Sets an Industry Standard: Faces Verified is quickly becoming the gold standard for professionalism and patient safety in the aesthetic field. Aligning with this standard not only elevates your practice but also contributes to raising the bar across the industry.


In a continually growing aesthetic industry, standing out through professionalism and safety is crucial for attracting and retaining clients. With Faces Verified, you gain a simple yet powerful tool for achieving this differentiation.

Displaying the Faces Verified badge on the Faces booking platform not only boosts your visibility among millions of potential clients but also reinforces your image as a reliable, professional practitioner.

Embrace Faces Verified to distinguish your practice and access a wide range of potential clients seeking the assurance of top-notch quality and safety.