How to Grow Your Aesthetic Business if You Are Unavailable

Running an aesthetic business requires dedication, passion, and a hands-on approach. However, there are times when you might be unavailable due to personal commitments, health issues, or other reasons. Growing your aesthetic business during these periods can seem challenging, but with the right strategies, it is entirely possible. This article explores various ways to ensure your business continues to flourish even when you are not around.

Leverage Technology For Your Aesthetic Business

Automate Appointments and Payments

One of the most efficient ways to manage your aesthetic business when you’re unavailable is by leveraging technology. Automated appointment scheduling systems can handle bookings, reminders, and even cancellations. This not only saves time but also ensures your clients receive a seamless experience.

Similarly, integrating an online payment system allows clients to pay for services in advance, reducing the need for in-person transactions. This can help maintain a steady cash flow even in your absence.

Faces is an online booking system that can help you manage your aesthetic business if unavailable. Book a demo with us by clicking here.

Utilise Social Media Tools

Maintaining an active online presence is crucial for any business. Use social media scheduling tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to plan and automate your posts. This keeps your audience engaged and informed about your services, promotions, and any changes in operating hours. Another alternative is hiring a cost-effective social media marketer through Faces!

Delegate and Outsource

Hire and Train Competent Staff

Hiring and training competent staff is essential if you know you’ll be unavailable. Ensure your team is well-versed in all aspects of the business, from customer service to technical procedures. This not only keeps the business running smoothly but also instils confidence in your clients.

Outsource Administrative Tasks

Consider outsourcing administrative tasks such as bookkeeping, marketing, and customer service. Virtual assistants and freelance professionals can manage these areas effectively, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business.

Maintain Customer Engagement

Create a Loyalty Programme

A well-designed loyalty programme can keep your clients engaged and returning for more services. Offer discounts, free treatments, or special gifts to loyal customers. This not only fosters loyalty but also encourages word-of-mouth referrals.

Send Regular Newsletters

Keep your clients informed and engaged by sending regular newsletters. Share updates about new services, special offers, and educational content related to aesthetic treatments. This maintains a connection with your clients and keeps your business top of mind.

Optimise Your Online Presence

Enhance Your Website

Ensure your website is user-friendly and up-to-date. Include detailed information about your services, pricing, and contact details. A well-optimised website can attract new clients and keep existing ones informed.

Implement SEO Strategies

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is crucial for driving traffic to your website. Use relevant keywords, create high-quality content, and ensure your site is mobile-friendly. This helps improve your search engine ranking and makes it easier for potential clients to find your aesthetic business.

Use Client Management Software

Invest in client management software to keep track of your client’s history, preferences, and appointments. This ensures personalised service even in your absence and helps maintain a high level of customer satisfaction.

Develop a Strong Referral System

Encourage your existing clients to refer new customers by offering incentives such as discounts or free treatments. A strong referral system can significantly increase your client base and ensure steady profits and growth for your aesthetic business!

Prepare for Emergencies

Create a Contingency Plan

Prepare a detailed contingency plan outlining steps to be taken in your absence. This should include contact information for key personnel, instructions for handling emergencies, and guidelines for maintaining business operations.

Train Staff in Crisis Management

Ensure your staff is trained to handle unexpected situations. This includes dealing with dissatisfied clients, managing technical issues, and handling financial matters. A well-prepared team can effectively manage the business, ensuring minimal disruption.

Foster Client Relationships

Personal Touch

Even when you are unavailable, maintaining a personal touch with your clients is essential. Send personalised messages or small gifts to show your appreciation. This helps build strong relationships and fosters client loyalty.

Invest in Continuous Education

Ensure your team stays updated with the latest trends and techniques in the aesthetic industry. Continuous education and training not only improve service quality but also keep your business competitive.


By implementing these strategies, you can ensure that your aesthetic business continues to grow and thrive, even when you are unavailable. Leveraging technology, delegating tasks, and maintaining strong client relationships are key to sustaining your business in your absence.