
Marketing Facial Aesthetic Treatments Effectively in 2024

Clinicians, enhance your facial aesthetic treatments' visibility and appeal with proven, effective marketing strategies.

Marketing is a process, not an event. It has a beginning and a middle – but not an end in facial aesthetic treatment. Generally speaking, it involves communicating with the public to influence them to buy your products or services. It’s about effective communication regarding who you are and what you do. 

The Importance of Initial Contact in Marketing

Let’s look at this process a little further. The marketing costs have tripled, but effectiveness has halved, so you need to make the most of your activities. There are two elements: 

1. Initial Contact

This is critical to the success of any marketing endeavour. Patients will make a snap decision about your promotion, branding, offer, etc., within seconds. If it is not remarkable or fails to stand out for some reason, you will be lost within the clutter they are bombarded with daily. Indeed, the most significant marketing challenge is the clutter factor.

2. Ongoing Contact

Also known as TOMA (top-of-mind awareness). Many patients will need timely reminders of your facial aesthetic services (such as newsletters, emails and texts). Big corporates do this exceedingly well. Here’s an exercise for you: name a soft drink, a fast-food chain, and a luxury car manufacturer.

The Necessity of a Comprehensive Facial Aesthetic Marketing Strategy 

Most of you probably thought “Coca-Cola” or “Pepsi”, “McDonald’s” or “Burger King”, and “Mercedes” or “BMW”. Their reasoning for their continuous spending is that they will be your first port of call when you are ready to make that purchase.

Comprehensive Marketing Strategy

Without initial and ongoing marketing strategies, you will fail to attract patients to your services. You may be the finest clinician, have outstanding customer care, and have the patient’s best interest at heart, but if they don’t know about the services in the first place, you won’t have any clients. 

It would be best if you also thought long-term, so have a marketing plan for the year. It can tie in with special events such as Valentine’s or Mother’s Day, so you have a systematic approach to what you’re going to market when you’re going to market it and to whom you’re going to sell it. This way, you won’t have a knee-jerk reaction to one month when your turnover is not as good as you hoped, so you decide to spend a couple hundred pounds to produce an advert. Stick with a plan and commit to it.

To quote Bobby and Shahar Hashemi from their book, Anyone Can Do It: Building Coffee Republic from Our Kitchen Table: ‘Don’t expect customers to flock to you. Success is not an entitlement. Like the rest of the world, they don’t appreciate new ideas easily. Good things take time to come. You must see that customers, like every other hurdle you pass – i.e. bankers, suppliers – will not buy into your vision initially. It won’t be easy at the beginning. You’ll need stick-ability. Keep focused, and you will succeed.’

Master the art of marketing your facial aesthetic treatments to stand out in a competitive market and grow your client base.


Next, you need to look at your budget. In the first year, it is normal for a new enterprise to set the marketing budget as a percentage of gross turnover expected to be generated during this period. This will come from the detailed financials in your business plan. The budget for the following year could be a percentage of the forecast net profit, the thinking being that, in year one, you have to invest in creating patient awareness of the new venture. 

The marketing budget has to cover all the expenditures that go into launching the business and the ongoing requirements to create and maintain local patient awareness of the facial aesthetic treatments available. Once established, you must review the budget monthly and justify any expenditure. Every patient must be asked how they learned about their facial aesthetic treatments. This will make media selection and planning for the second year much more cost-effective.  

By implementing the above system, you should avoid the pitfall of Lord Leverhulme (the British founder of Unilever), who once said: ‘Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, and the problem is I don’t know which half’. 

Goals Beyond Finances

You may have different goals regarding what outcome you hope to achieve via marketing efforts. Do you want to build a world-class brand? Or create a unique position in the mind of the customer? You may aspire to get the customer through the door and buy repeatedly. What about a desire to motivate a happy customer to refer people that they know?

You also need to consider your goals in functional terms, for example, the number of new patients. Do you have the capacity for new patients? You need to consider the number of conversions, the percentage of referrals, etc. 

Know Your Limits

A word of warning is essential here; since botulinum toxin is a prescription-only medicine (POM), there are certain restrictions you need to adhere to when marketing facial aesthetic treatments. For further information on the advertising guidelines of this POM, please refer to:; and

Meet Dr. Harry Singh

Dr. Harry Singh is a renowned figure in aesthetics, bringing an extensive blend of clinical skills, entrepreneurial spirit, and a passion for teaching. His journey from a family man and clinician to an author, speaker, and multiple-business owner is inspiring. He stands out with his eagerness to share knowledge, including the successes and challenges in establishing a successful aesthetic practice.

For more insights and perspectives from Dr. Singh, visit Botulinum Toxin Club.

10 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Clinic’s Online Visibility

Discover 10 proven aesthetics marketing strategies to boost your clinic's online visibility and attract your ideal clientele.

Enhancing your clinic’s online visibility is essential in today’s competitive aesthetic industry. With a surge in clinics, differentiation is challenging. Yet, mastering aesthetics marketing can elevate your clinic’s presence and attract your desired clientele.

In this blog, we’ll explore ten proven strategies to make your clinic stand out and become the talk of the town.

Top Strategies to Improve Your Aesthetic Clinic Online Visibility

Here are 10 proven strategies to boost your online presence in the competitive aesthetic industry.

1. Understand Your Target Audience

Before you dive into marketing strategies, it’s crucial to know your target audience inside out. Are they millennials looking for preventative treatments? Or perhaps a mature audience seeking rejuvenation procedures?

Once you have clarity on this, tailor your marketing messages to resonate with them, ensuring you strike a chord every time.

2. Leverage the Power of Social Media

In the age of digitalisation, social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest have become potent tools for aesthetics clinics. Showcasing before-and-after photos, client testimonials, and behind-the-scenes looks can build trust and allure potential clients.

Remember, it’s not about hard selling but creating an engaging narrative around your brand.

3. SEO: Your Silent Marketing Partner

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a powerful tool that ensures your clinic appears at the top of search engine results when potential clients look for aesthetic treatments. Incorporate relevant keywords, maintain an active blog, and ensure your website is mobile-friendly.

Local SEO can also be particularly beneficial, making sure locals find you first!

4. Collaborate with Influencers

The power of influencers cannot be underestimated in beauty and aesthetics. Collaborating with local influencers can bring a surge of visibility to your clinic. They don’t always need to have millions of followers; even micro-influencers can have a potent impact due to their niche and loyal audience.

5. Email Marketing: The Underrated Gem

Email marketing might seem outdated, but it remains one of the most effective ways to communicate directly with potential and existing clients. Regular newsletters, updates on new treatments, and exclusive offers can keep your clinic at the forefront of clients’ minds.

Learn how to boost your clinic's online presence with these proven aesthetics marketing strategies. Stand out in the crowded digital landscape.

6. Host Events and Open Days

Hosting events or open days at your clinic is an excellent way to introduce potential clients to your services. It allows them to meet the team, understand treatments better, and feel more comfortable about choosing your clinic.

7. Offer a Loyalty Programme

Customer retention is just as important as acquiring new ones. By introducing a loyalty programme, you can incentivise clients to return for more treatments, ensuring a steady revenue stream.

8. Engage in Content Marketing

Engage your audience with valuable content that addresses their concerns and interests. Whether it’s a blog post on the latest aesthetic trends, a video on the benefits of a particular treatment, or an infographic on skincare, content marketing can position your clinic as an industry leader.

9. Harness the Power of Reviews

Positive reviews can significantly boost your clinic’s reputation. Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews on platforms like Google My Business and Trustpilot. Address any negative feedback promptly and professionally, showcasing your commitment to excellence.

10. Keep an Eye on the Competition

While focusing on your marketing strategies is essential, it’s equally vital to be aware of what your competitors are doing. This doesn’t mean copying them, but rather understanding the market dynamics and adjusting your strategies accordingly.


Don’t overlook the influential sway of Faces, your steadfast companion in the domain of aesthetics and beauty clinic management. Faces presents a comprehensive platform encompassing appointment scheduling, client administration, and dynamic marketing tools. It seamlessly integrates with Google Local Listings, augmenting your online visibility.

In conclusion, mastering aesthetic marketing requires a blend of traditional and modern strategies. By understanding your audience, leveraging the right platforms, and offering unparalleled value, you can significantly boost your clinic’s visibility and establish a dominant presence in the market. The aesthetics world is ever-evolving, and so should your marketing strategies. Stay updated, stay visible!

Supercharge Your Aesthetics Clinic’s Success with Social Media: 7 Irresistible Reasons to Get on Board Today!

Are you still on the fence about using social media for your aesthetics clinic? With a rapidly evolving digital landscape, it’s time to embrace the power of social media to transform your clinic’s online presence. In this blog post, we’ll reveal the top 7 irresistible reasons why you should harness social media marketing to elevate your aesthetics clinic. Dive into these clickbait-worthy secrets and watch your brand skyrocket to new heights!

Boost Brand Visibility and Awareness

Social media platforms are an incredible tool for showcasing your aesthetics clinic to a wider audience. By creating and sharing engaging content, you can increase your brand’s visibility, generate buzz, and attract potential clients. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to reach millions of users who are searching for aesthetic services just like yours!

Establish Trust and Credibility

Sharing before-and-after photos, testimonials, and educational content on your social media channels can help establish your clinic’s expertise and credibility. This transparency builds trust among your audience, making them more likely to choose your clinic for their aesthetic needs.

Engage with Your Target Audience

Social media allows you to connect and engage with your target audience on a personal level. Responding to comments, messages, and reviews demonstrates that you value their opinions and experiences. This personalised approach fosters loyalty and can turn potential clients into lifelong customers.

Showcase Your Unique Services and Offerings

Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity to highlight your clinic’s unique services, treatments, and offerings. Use visually appealing images, videos, and infographics to showcase your expertise, demonstrate the effectiveness of your treatments, and stand out from your competitors.

Drive Traffic to Your Website

By sharing blog posts, promotional offers, and exclusive content on social media, you can entice users to visit your website. This increased traffic can lead to higher conversion rates and a boost in overall clinic bookings.

Run Targeted Ad Campaigns

Social media advertising offers powerful targeting options to reach your ideal audience. Use platforms like Facebook and Instagram to create highly targeted ad campaigns, ensuring your clinic’s promotions are seen by those most interested in your services. This targeted approach can lead to higher engagement and better return on investment (ROI).

Monitor Competitors and Stay Updated on Industry Trends

Social media is a goldmine of information about your competitors and industry trends. Stay ahead of the curve by monitoring what’s popular and engaging in your niche. Use this information to refine your marketing strategy and stay relevant in the rapidly evolving aesthetics industry.


Harnessing the power of social media for your aesthetics clinic is no longer optional – it’s a necessity. By embracing these 7 irresistible reasons to use social media marketing, you can supercharge your clinic’s success, create clickbait-worthy content, and solidify your brand as a leader in the aesthetics industry. Don’t wait any longer; it’s time to take your clinic to new heights with the power of social media!

4 Unbelievable Strategies to Skyrocket Your Practice’s Marketing in 2023

Are you ready to transform your practice’s marketing game and attract a steady stream of clients? This blog is your guide to help you dominate Google and boost your online presence. Discover the top four strategies to consider when marketing your practice in 2023:

Optimise Your Website for Maximum Conversions

Your website is your digital storefront and the first impression potential clients will have of your practice. To make it count, optimise your website for both user experience and search engine performance. Use eye-catching visuals and professional design to create a visually appealing site. Target high-traffic keywords like “best practice” and “professional services” to climb the search engine rankings.

Improve your website’s loading speed to keep visitors engaged and reduce bounce rates. Ensure your site is mobile-friendly, as the majority of users will access your site via smartphones and tablets. Integrate clear call-to-action (CTA) buttons, easy navigation, and engaging content to guide users towards booking appointments or contacting your practice.

Leverage Content Marketing to Educate and Attract Clients

Content marketing is a powerful tool to showcase your expertise and attract new clients. Create high-quality, informative articles and blog posts that address common questions, concerns, or topics related to your practice. Target long-tail keywords like “how to choose the right practitioner” or “top treatments for your specific needs” to attract users searching for answers.

Share your content on social media platforms, in email newsletters, and on relevant forums to increase its reach. Consider collaborating with other industry experts for guest posts and link-building opportunities to strengthen your website’s authority and search engine ranking.

Master Local SEO for Unbeatable Local Visibility

When it comes to attracting clients in your area, nothing beats mastering local SEO. Optimise your Google My Business listing by providing accurate and up-to-date information, including your address, phone number, and business hours. Add high-quality photos of your practice and encourage satisfied clients to leave glowing reviews.

Target location-specific keywords such as “dentist in London” or “physiotherapy in Manchester” to ensure your practice ranks at the top of local search results. Additionally, get your practice listed on local online directories and review sites like Yelp, Trustpilot, and the UK’s to boost your online presence.

Utilise Social Media Advertising for Targeted Client Acquisition

Social media advertising offers a cost-effective way to reach your target audience and drive new clients to your practice. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn provide precise targeting options, allowing you to zero in on users based on their location, age, interests, and more.

Create eye-catching, click-worthy ads that showcase your practice’s unique selling points. Use attention-grabbing headlines and phrases like “limited-time offer” or “book now and save” to encourage users to take action. Monitor your ad performance and adjust your targeting and ad creative as needed to maximise your return on investment.

By implementing these four unbelievable strategies, your practice’s marketing will skyrocket in 2023. Optimise your website, leverage content marketing, master local SEO, and utilise social media advertising to attract a steady stream of new clients and take your practice to new heights. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to dominate Google, boost your online presence, and become the go-to practice in your area.

Email Marketing: Unlocking the Potential of Targeted Communication to Drive Client Engagement and Revenue

In the highly competitive world of aesthetics, standing out from the crowd and fostering lasting relationships with clients is essential. Email marketing presents an invaluable opportunity to engage with potential and existing clients, promote your services, and ultimately, drive revenue. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of email marketing in aesthetics, offer tips for creating compelling campaigns, and discuss strategies for growing your subscriber list.

The Power of Email Marketing in Aesthetics

Email marketing boasts several advantages for aesthetic businesses, including:

Cost-effectiveness: Email marketing is an affordable way to reach a large audience, offering a high return on investment compared to traditional advertising methods.

Targeted communication: By segmenting your email list, you can deliver tailored content to specific audiences, increasing the likelihood of client engagement.

Relationship building: Regular email communication helps nurture relationships with clients, promoting loyalty and repeat business.

Analytics: Email marketing platforms provide insights into the performance of your campaigns, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and optimise future marketing efforts.

Crafting Compelling Email Campaigns

To harness the full potential of email marketing, consider the following tips for creating engaging campaigns:

Personalisation: Address your clients by name and customise content based on their preferences or past interactions with your business.

Valuable content: Offer educational resources, such as articles or videos, that address common client concerns or provide helpful tips related to aesthetics.

Exclusive promotions: Incentivise clients to open your emails by offering special discounts or promotions exclusive to subscribers.

Visual appeal: Use high-quality images and clean, professional design elements to showcase your brand’s aesthetic expertise.

Mobile optimisation: Ensure your emails display correctly on mobile devices, as a significant portion of your audience will likely access your content on their smartphones or tablets.

Clear call-to-action (CTA): Encourage clients to take action by including a clear and concise CTA, such as booking a consultation or purchasing a product.

Strategies for Growing Your Email Subscriber List

Expanding your subscriber list is crucial to maximising the reach and impact of your email marketing efforts. Implement the following strategies to attract new subscribers:

Sign-up incentives: Offer exclusive promotions or valuable content, such as an e-book or a discount code, to incentivise clients to subscribe to your email list.

Website integration: Feature an easily accessible sign-up form on your website’s homepage, blog, or contact page.

Social media promotion: Leverage your social media presence to encourage followers to subscribe to your email list, and consider running targeted ads to reach new audiences.

In-person sign-ups: Ask clients to provide their email addresses during consultations or events, and explain the benefits of joining your mailing list.

Collaborations: Partner with complementary businesses or influencers to tap into their audiences and cross-promote each other’s email lists.

Email marketing in aesthetics offers a powerful channel for communicating with clients, showcasing your expertise, and driving business growth. By crafting compelling email campaigns, personalising content, and strategically growing your subscriber list, you can create lasting connections with your audience and position your business as a leader in the industry. With a commitment to consistency and continuous optimisation, your email marketing efforts can yield significant returns and contribute to the ongoing success of your aesthetics business.

Marketing Strategies for Aesthetic Practices: Boosting Your Clinic’s Visibility and Growth

In today’s competitive landscape, aesthetic practices need to employ effective marketing strategies to attract new clients, retain existing ones, and differentiate themselves from competitors. In this blog post, we will explore proven marketing techniques that can help your aesthetic clinic thrive and grow.

Develop a Strong Online Presence

A robust online presence is essential for any aesthetic practice. Start by creating a user-friendly, responsive website that showcases your services, provides information about your team, and highlights client testimonials. Ensure that your website is search engine optimised (SEO) to increase visibility in search results.

Utilise Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter can be powerful tools for promoting your aesthetic clinic. Share before-and-after photos, informative articles, promotional offers, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your practice. Engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages, and encourage clients to leave reviews and share their experiences.

Content Marketing

Creating and sharing valuable content is an effective way to establish your clinic as an authority in the aesthetic field. Write informative blog posts, create educational videos, or host webinars to educate potential clients about various treatments, trends, and industry news. High-quality content can help attract new clients and keep existing ones engaged.

Collaborate with Influencers

Partnering with influencers in the beauty and aesthetic industry can help increase your clinic’s visibility and credibility. Influencers can introduce your services to their followers, increasing the chances of attracting new clients. Ensure that you collaborate with influencers whose audience aligns with your target market.

Offer Special Promotions and Incentives

Special promotions, discounts, and incentives can encourage potential clients to try your services. Develop limited-time offers for first-time clients or bundle multiple treatments together at a discounted rate. Additionally, consider implementing a referral program to reward existing clients for recommending your clinic to their friends and family.

Utilise Local SEO Strategies

Optimising your online presence for local search results can help potential clients in your area find your clinic more easily. Register your clinic on Google My Business, ensuring that your profile is complete and up-to-date with your clinic’s name, address, phone number, and operating hours. Encourage clients to leave reviews on your Google My Business page, as positive reviews can significantly impact your clinic’s search ranking.

Attend and Host Industry Events

Participate in local and national aesthetic conferences, trade shows, and workshops to stay updated on the latest trends and network with other professionals. Additionally, consider hosting events at your clinic, such as open houses or educational seminars, to showcase your services and expertise to potential clients.

Implement Email Marketing

Email marketing can be an effective way to maintain communication with existing clients and nurture potential leads. Send regular newsletters with informative content, exclusive offers, and updates about your clinic. Ensure that your emails are personalised and targeted to your clients’ needs and preferences.

Track and Analyse Your Marketing Efforts

Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing strategies by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, social media engagement, and new client acquisition. Analysing this data can help you identify which marketing tactics are working and make informed decisions about where to focus your efforts moving forward.


Implementing a diverse range of marketing strategies can significantly contribute to the growth and success of your aesthetic clinic. By focusing on developing a strong online presence, engaging with clients through social media and content marketing, offering incentives, and participating in industry events, you can boost your clinic’s visibility and attract a steady stream of new clients. Stay adaptable and consistently evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing efforts to ensure continued success in the ever-evolving aesthetic industry.