Sofwave Aftercare Form

Sofwave utilises ultrasound technology to target the subdermal layer of the skin, encouraging collagen regeneration for improved skin tone and texture. As with any aesthetic procedure, following post-treatment guidelines ensures optimal results and a swift recovery.

Immediate Aftercare:
Post-treatment, patients might experience mild redness, swelling, or warmth in the treated areas. These symptoms are generally temporary, often subsiding within a few hours to a couple of days. It's recommended to keep the skin clean and adequately moisturised. Apply a gentle, hydrating moisturiser or any recommended topical treatments as directed. Avoid direct sun exposure on the treated area; always use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 when outdoors. If any discomfort persists, over-the-counter pain relief can be used as directed. Refrain from vigorous physical activity for at least 24 hours post-treatment.

Long-Term Care & Monitoring:
For the next few weeks, continue to protect the skin from excessive sun exposure, ensuring regular application of sunscreen. Maintain a regular skincare routine, prioritising hydration and gentle exfoliation to promote skin renewal. It's beneficial to schedule follow-up sessions or assessments with your practitioner to track treatment outcomes. Any prolonged symptoms, such as extended swelling, blistering, or unexpected skin reactions, should be reported to your treatment provider promptly.

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